I was wondering what the market has been like for depo reporters in the LA-OC area?  Is it a two-tiered profession where Live Note and realtime writers prosper, and the lesser skilled writers are struggling?

One would think so with the industry-wide slowdown in the legal profession since 2008, and the state governenment budget cutbacks.


Let us know.

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Hello, Melvin


I don't know about OC, but I would think your statement is true for anywhere.  I am in Northern California and am working consistently on RT jobs.  I could work five days this week (all RT) if I wanted to.  I don't, but I could. 


That has not always been the case, though.  It has been slow on and off here for me too.  Glad it is picking up, though.

I have several freelancer and staff reporter friends who are complaining about lack of work - because when they are offered realtime jobs they turn them down and miss out.


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