I would have loved to have been there, but couldn't make it. Was in an all-day job and have a rush to work on tonight; so don't have time to watch the broadcast. Did the motion to resind pass or fail?

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I had to send for my log-in name and password also. It was not a user ID I remember choosing nor was the password one that I would have picked. VERY ODD, I thought, at the time. I wouldn't put it past the NCRA to have rigged the online voting. I would like an explanation from the NCRA as to how the user names and passwords were derived. I KNOW I did not choose the password for certain. Was the online voting service provided by a third party?

I feel it's only fair to allow members who were not able to log on to recast their votes!

please go on the NCRA forum and say this!

Marge, would you please post the link to the forum here. I haven't really attempted to "go there," as I think I would have lost my mind over this whole fiasco had I read all the threads. I remember not easily finding the forum. I'll be happy to repost there. Thanks!
Thanks, Marge!

Okay, I just want to clarify. I THOUGHT the online voting was going to use EITHER my regular log-in info to the general NCRA site OR the log-in info I chose when I signed up for the forum. The log-in and password I was sent for the online voting was NEITHER. Now, THAT, in my opinion, is WRONG! NOWHERE did I read and at no time did I come to understand that a new user ID and/or password would be assigned/provided to us for online voting! :(
I assume that the log-in for the NCRA website would be what's needed. Wouldn't work for me and they didn't even have my email on file. Extremely irritating and troublesome.
"Troublesome" is an understatement. "Fishy" is more like it, and it really stinks!
I wouldn't use fishy because of most of the results, even without my vote. Melanie won and she was specifically passed over by the nominating committee. The ridiculous idea of making non-shorthand reporters full voting members of NCRA (the VAOFRs) didn't pass.

So right there I wouldn't call it fishy.

I do not like ONE SINGLE BIT that you can join NCRA without an endorser. This opens the back door to non-shorthand reporters and we all have to be very vigilant to make sure that this board or future boards doesn't let this happen.

I also opposed the amendment making scoping students student members. I think students should only be CR students.

The results of the 2 "biggies," namely Melanie winning and videographers continuing to be associate members, causes me to not be suspicious.
I really hope you're right!
MARGE! It was so wonderful seeing you there at the convention! I'm glad I caught you before you hit the road.

"I do not like ONE SINGLE BIT that you can join NCRA without an endorser."

I think this will make it easier for anyone to give NCRA their dues money, which is what NCRA wants. We're moving from an elite, exclusive club to a not-very-elite (umbrella), not very exclusive club. You pays your money, you gets in the door.


I have tons of pictures.


Everyone is welcome to look!
I'll finish labeling them soon!

I'm so glad you were able to make it and I got to see you and Dick! I would have hated seeing you!! You're looking great.

[[ I think this will make it easier for anyone to give NCRA their dues money, which is what NCRA wants. We're moving from an elite, exclusive club to a not-very-elite (umbrella), not very exclusive club. You pays your money, you gets in the door. ]]

Yes, I'm very concerned about the encroachment and this back-door maneuver to allow it. But the members voted in favor of it. It's awful.
>>I do not like ONE SINGLE BIT that you can join NCRA without an endorser. This opens the back door to non-shorthand reporters and we all have to be very vigilant to make sure that this board or future boards doesn't let this happen.

But just as many people may be appalled at the number of reporters who pose as students to gain membership to take the tests and receive the magazine and they've actually been reporting for one or more years!!! And there's reporters who sign their endorsements, knowing they're not students.


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