Stentura 8000lx will not turn in even plugged in and charger is working??? Thoughts???? HELP!!!!

Stentura 8000lx will not turn in even plugged in and charger is working??? Thoughts???? HELP!!!!

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Hi Lisa.  Did this happen when you went on a job or at home or multiple times?  The first thing I would check is the outlet you had plugged into.  I know this sounds simple, but I went on a job and this happened to me.  Turns out the room we were in had no power coming out of the outlet only I was using.  It took a while to figure it out. 

Sometimes the screen button just gets turned.  It's at the rear of the machine.  I don't have a Stentura anymore so can't describe its location, but call anyone who works on them and I'm sure they will explain free where to check if that's the problem.  I can remember one time when I thought my machine didn't work and that's all it was.

I think I know why.  I learned the hard way from my Stenoram (and so did another reporter).  There is a part that makes the writer turn on - not just the battery and charger - sounds like your part died.

Make sure to check the LCD contrast knob in the rear of the machine. Depending on your machine there may be two adjustment knobs (if they have not fallen out) one for the beeper and one for the LCD. When you plug your machine in look at the disk drive light and if it comes on then the machine is powering on. This knob has tricked a lot of people into thinking that there machine is not working.

So what happened?  Inquiring minds want to know.

This happened to me with my Stentura.  In my case, the battery was completely dead.  After a point, the battery will no longer charge, even when plugged in.  My battery was pretty old when this happened.

Should still work when charged in though, even if battery is completely dead.

Okay guys! Seems it was just my charger and found out that those chargers when dying just suck the life outta the stentura! Thanks for all the input!!! Had the baby overhauled and she's Is running smooth again!!! Thankfully she wasn't ready for stentura heaven just yet!!!

Well that last post was real good info.  My Stenoram II battery only lasted ten months.  The charger was dying (which I have since replaced).


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