My carrier is Verizon and I'm very happy with the service. I switched from AT&T. I have been checking out the Blackberry Storm, but everyone I know is VERY happy with their iPhone. I don't want to have to switch back to AT&T, but I've heard rumor that Verizon may be picking up the iPhone. My problem is my contract is up for renewal and I need to decide on a phone upgrade now. Should I bite the bullet and get the Storm or get the freebie phone from Verizon and wait it out for the iPhone. I haven't heard good or bad about the Blackberry Storm and no confirmation yet on if and when Verizon will pick up the iPhone.

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I have Verizon too and wouldn't want to switch. Yeah, the iPhone is hot. Why not go with BB Curve for now. Pepole seem to love it. (I haven't gotten a BB yet. Trying to not get it actually. Once I do, there's no going back I'm know.)
I have heard that AT&T has an exclusive on the iPhone for several more years. I had heard the same rumor about Verizon getting the iPhone but it isn't true. Too bad, I would rather have Verizon but will stay with AT&T when I get my iPhone (hopefully soon when they come out with the newest generation of phones).
I'm sure you'd be happy with either phone, the BlackBerry Storm or the iPhone. I personally am in love with my iPhone and don't think any phone can compare. I came from a Tmobile MDA, which had a slide-out keyboard that I really liked. My plan was like $80/mo. with unlimited Internet and 1000 minutes.

When my husband and I moved to AT&T (yes, just because of the iPhone), we are now on a combined plan and now share 1400 minutes, which I didn't think would be enough but totally is because any calls to each other or to home or anyone else on AT&T is free. Plus, we now get roll-over minutes. Very exciting. :) Plus, they decreased our home/internet bill because we now have a cell plan through them. We have DirecTV, so we're thinking of adding that as well through AT&T for an ever bigger discount.

The iPhone is awesome. But the applications are really what makes it a lot of fun. Though the apps that come with the phone rock, like the GPS with the maps/directions. And the new operating system coming out this summer can be downloaded to the old phones, and it'll include a new cut-and-paste feature, which may seem like an obvious one but was never available before, and some other awesome things.

I've never been happier with a phone. I've had a Palm Pilot, then a Treo, then the MDA, but the iPhone is a whole other ball game.
THANK EVERYONE! All your input is making me feel better about making a decision. I've heard nothing but GREAT things about the iPhone. So now my dilemma is do I really want to switch back to AT&T. Didn't like their service, all my family and friends are on Verizon.

Thanks Patrick. I will wait until after June 9th or 10th. And you're right. I am so used to upgrading my phone when my contract is up every two years that I don't even think about it. I feel like a robot that's just programmed to upgrade when I hear key words like, "renew contract" or "elegible for free upgrade."

I'll keep you all posted on my final decision.

Mucho Gracias...
I have the storm.
The first one was a lemon. Got another one.
My least favorite thing is the screen flipping factor. You'll be looking at it up-and-down ways and then it will flip to sideways for no reason. So you flip it to sideways to follow it and it goes back to up-and-down ways! djh*&%#$%$^&*, etc. it's the worst when the phone is ringing. You press answer and then it will flip and it thinks you pressed hang up!
seriously, if i want to switch screen viewing, there should be a button and then it stay put.

somtimes it stalls for a sec. Sometimes it freezes, and I have to take battery out.

hmmm what else. It's not bad. I like getting all my mail right quick.

I like the messenger. You can send media for free.

My friend has an iphone, and he's the only one on the plan, and he says it costs like a 100$ a month. steep if you ask me

oh i had this issue where i would plug it in, and it would charge, but if i charge it for an hour or two and unplug it, it would be in the same spot as when it was when I plugged it in. I called, and they couldn't fig it out, so they said go pick up a battery for free, but it worked the next time I plugged in, so i didn't go. problem came back a month or two later, but went away again.


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