...but I actually thought this group was a gathering of Tom Selleck fans. I thought, Geez, that guy was okay, but I don't want to join that group.

Had I known Magnum was the True King of All Things Steno, I would have been here in a heartbeat.

I may not be a very bright fan, but I definitely want to join this group.


Views: 261

Replies to This Discussion

This is TOOO hilarious! LOL
That's SO funny. We re glad to have you here :)
You're going to fit right in, Janet!!

Glad you joined us!

From another not-so-very-bright fan . . . :)
Did everyone get Mark's brief for "lime" today?

You are so funny!!
Christine, you're making it really hard not to join. I got to sign up.

I keep getting that missed-out feeling!
What are you talking about!! I thought you were a member. You MUST join. You started the Magnum Steno Fan Club, remember? But then, I could keep you posted here about all the interesting words we are learning with our "word of the day" and the funny jokes you're missing. But it sure would be more streamline if you were part of the "in crowd." Ha-ha!!
Yes, I know. I just need to carve out 20 more minutes in my day.

My hands can't write another 20. That's the problem.

Maybe I should start ghost writing it.

I got a week of The Club after the San Diego seminar, and of course you know I loved it, BUT I was off of work that week.

I'm thinking I should just quit my job. :)
Yes, you should quit your job and open a school and teach the StenoMaster (Kislingbury) Theory. Remember you talked about that a few months back. I do have Sara coming up in the ranks -- we're still working on her -- and she needs a good school to go to. She's not sold yet on being a reporter, but we're working on her.
Yep, I'm such a talker. :)

We're going to win Sara over to the other side eventually!

I think I've lost Cole, though. He's pretty set on being a scientist.

How boring is that!! :)
We need more "steno babies." When Megan was learning Mark's theory online, the instructor called them "steno babies." Well, let's see we have Oakley. We need Cole. We need Sara. And I'm sure others would attend your new school here in SoCal. It all starts with being "a talker." I would certainly help recruit more steno babies. You would be great at it. You have such a zest for life -- and an incredible love and focus for court reporting. What do ya think?
But I wouldn't be able to write on that cute little machine of mine every day!

Or . . . I'm picturing me, you, and a couple students dictating four voice to our advanced "steno babies," and after about 20 minutes me getting a third student in my chair so I could write the dictation saying, "It's my turn NOW!! You guys don't get all the fun!!"

Yes, Virginia, I really do want to. I could give up 20 minutes a day on this site alone. :)
To continue to get your steno "fix," you could get a job on the weekends as a CART reporter. I'm sure we could figure out a way for you to get your hands on your steno machine without having to wrestle a student. Food for thought, eh?

And Virginia is correct; it's only 10 minutes a day. So, anyway, have you joined the Magnum Steno Club yet? If so, you will recall the halcyon days we enjoyed with dictation from Mrs. Gurich and Mr. Fuller. (If you are a "club member," this sentence will make sense to you. But these would only have been halcyon days for you. It was pretty frenetic for me.) LOVE YOU!!


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