Realtime Scoping Group


Realtime Scoping Group

Are you interested in realtime scoping? Come on in! Welcome to all court reporters, scopists, and anyone else who is interested in this topic.

Members: 104
Latest Activity: Jun 26

Discussion Forum

Increased difficulty of realtime? 2 Replies

Started by Amy Austin. Last reply by from Debra Maples Oct 9, 2009.

Editing with a Scopist - My article from the JCR 4 Replies

Started by Breck Record. Last reply by Breck Record Jul 6, 2009.

Scoping 2 Replies

Started by YVONNE FENNELLY. Last reply by YVONNE FENNELLY May 14, 2009.

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Comment by DENISE C - CASE CATALYST SCOPIST on November 18, 2008 at 9:11
Good morning!
Linda, I see that your post was back in April. Well, how'd your hourly copy go? Please share. I am very interested in providing realtime scoping! : )
Comment by Sabrina on November 17, 2008 at 15:21
This is something I would really be interested in. I would love to be on site with the reporter scoping their realtime translation. I look forward to hearing more about it through this group!

Comment by Joan Hurtis on November 17, 2008 at 7:32
Hi Linda,
I haven't had the opportunity to do realtime scoping yet, but this information will make it a lot less intimidating when the chance comes up. Thanks!
Comment by Judy Barrett on April 22, 2008 at 19:34
Hi, Linda.

This is great -- one of your many good ideas!

We've heard for a long time about this being theoretically possible, but now it seems like it's an idea whose time has come. It seems that maybe machines really are taking over, since now a computer can do what the reporter used to do at her first break, and then again at her lunch break, and so on: Run to her office, quickly translate and e-mail to the scopist, and get back to the hearing, with nary a bat of the eye! This sounds a lot easier.

We've come a long way, Baby, since the days when I used to wade through dog hair in a dog grooming shop because that's where the reporter's husband used to pick up and deliver transcripts as he headed to work. The dog groomer was a friend of the reporter.

Everything's up to date in K.C., for sure! I look forward to learning more!
Comment by Michelle on April 11, 2008 at 15:45
Hi Linda, great idea to set up a group like this. I work with a realtime scopist, have done for the past five years. Sometimes she works on site with me and others she works remotely, we both love the freedom.
Comment by Karen Geddis on April 5, 2008 at 13:00
If anyone has any info on Realtime with DigitalCat, I'd love to hear it. We really want to get this going with audio capabilities.
Comment by Karen Geddis on April 5, 2008 at 12:59
Hi all, My reporter just found out (after trying to use it) that GoToMyPC doesn't work with DigitalCat for the audio. So It will work but the scopist is unable to get the audio. He has spoken to Stenovations and they are working on it.
Comment by Jeanette Vissiere on April 1, 2008 at 21:55
Thanks for setting up the group, Linda. I look forward to chatting with other members regarding this exciting new technology!
Comment by Linda C. on April 1, 2008 at 21:46
Okay, I'll get things rolling here by welcoming everyone to our group. I'm an Eclipse scopist and one of my court reporters is busy getting us organized so that we can provide hourly copy in a trial that's coming up in a few months. I'm looking forward to exchanging information and experiences with anyone else who is currently involved in scoping realtime or who is planning to in the future. Any and all participation is welcome.

Members (104)


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