

Please place your proofreading ads here.

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Comment by Bette Fleming on January 22, 2015 at 3:07

I am looking for more scoping and proofreading jobs.  I have the current versions of Eclipse and Case Catalyst.  I have been scoping for six years and have never missed a turnaround deadline.  I think my rates are reasonable but I’m willing to discuss a workable rate for both of us.  I work seven days a week, often return the transcript sooner than requested and am very good with medical terminology. Please email for more information and rates.  References upon request.

Comment by Jacklynn Donaldson on January 16, 2015 at 9:25

Proofreader available to take on more work.  I can work on Eclipse, ASCII/rtf or PDF.  20+ years experience with legal and medical.  I can get quite anal but like to be thorough.  Email me at for qualifications, turnaround time and rates.  TIA!

Comment by Jane Goldberg on January 14, 2015 at 6:49

Happy 2015 from Jane Goldberg/Proofreader!! I am the owner/operator of  Proof Perfect.  Some of you may know me from previous posts that I have put on CSRNation.  I am always wanting to market my business every year. I have been proofreading transcripts for court reporters since 2011. I take great pride in my work and very detailed. I utilize Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters which is an excellent tool for proofreaders as well as court reporters. I also do light Internet research when proofing. My prices are very affordable and quick turnaround time. Please see my website:  ie Testimonials   You can either reach me through my website or email me at:   Thanks, Jane

Comment by Mary Bodin on December 22, 2014 at 8:01

Thanks to all the reporters who gave me plenty of work throughout this year.  Hope everyone has a happy holiday and I'm looking forward to a prosperous 2015 for everyone!

Comment by Myrna Ann Zavala on December 5, 2014 at 14:49

My name is Myrna Ann Zavala, CSR 6830.  I am on Case Catalyst and am available seven days a week for proofreading services.  I offer very competitive rates and rapid turnaround time.  I am very thorough and conscientious.  I have five years' experience in deposition reporting and ten years' experience as an official realtime reporter.  I can be reached at (510) 303-3273 or

Comment by Natalie Mintz on December 3, 2014 at 10:39

Hello! My name is Natalie. I am a freelance copy editor and proofreader with training in proofreading court transcripts. I provide high quality proofreading using iAnnotate, so all my marks are easy to see in your PDF document. My turnaround time is generally 24-48 hours. Price is negotiable! If you would like to sample my work, I can give you the first job for free. Please feel free to ask me more about my services!

Comment by Eric Edwards on December 2, 2014 at 11:59
My name is Eric, and I am an experienced proofreader and currently a full-time faculty member of Brown College of Court Reporting in Atlanta, Georgia ( As an instructor there, I have taught proofreading, steno theory (Phoenix and StenEd), and Case CATalyst as well as a number of other CR-related subjects. I am retiring my position on the 17th of December and hope to encourage a few more fantasic reporters to entrust their work to me so that I can proof full time.
Ideally, I am looking for long-term professional relationships and to be someone you can rely on and trust. I typically only take one week off for vacation a year, and I work seven days a week. Turnaround time for me is 24-48 hours at 40 cents a page, and I charge 70 cents per page for a 12-hour rush turnaround. I've never told a reporter that I can't do a rush or that I'm too busy to get their job back in a timely manner.
I proof in Case CATalyst Edit version, so I do my work in your file. Some reporters have me make correction suggestions via F8 scan stops, and some reporters ask me to make the corrections for them and just mark places to recheck for accuracy. I am well-versed in traditional grammar and punctuation rules and am familiar with the slight differences in Morson's. I never pester reporters about their preferences, and I can adhere to your style very quickly.
Feel free to email me at or message me at 678-491-5817. Thanks.
Comment by Linda on November 24, 2014 at 5:47

Please provide your name and email address, Simms & Associates, and I'll send you all my information on proofreading.

Thank you,

Linda H.

Comment by Simms & Associates on November 23, 2014 at 21:18

Hello!  My regular proofreader prefers not to read cases with sexual content. Perfectly understandable. I have 185 pages that I need proofed (Vol 2).  Please have a VERY strong background in proofreading, preferably an English degree. Thank you!

Comment by Bette Fleming on November 23, 2014 at 5:31

I would like to add some more proofreading work to my workload.  I have been scoping for six years and have never missed a turnaround deadline.  I proofread in the current versions of both Eclipse and Case Catalyst.  My rates are reasonable.  Please email me at  I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

Bette Fleming


Eclipse and Case Catalyst

Comment by Christy Heaney on October 27, 2014 at 12:04

Are you looking for a great Case Catalyst scopist or proofreader?  I have years of experience with scoping and proofreading deposition transcripts, and I’m here to help you produce the best transcripts possible.  For more detailed information, check out the About me section of Heaney Scoping Services’ Facebook page,  Please e-mail me at with your questions.  I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you,

Christy M. Heaney

Heaney Scoping Services

Comment by Victoria Hubbard on October 21, 2014 at 7:44
Hi! My name is Victoria and I tend to be a perfectionist. I’m starting out as a professional proofreader with a strong history of working in the court system as a volunteer Guardian ad litem for Greenville County in SC, so I am very familiar with legal report layouts. I also have a Bachelors in Operations Management which involved extensive training in time management in addition to proofing and editing skills.

In order to help build up my clientele I'm offering to proofread the first 20 pages of any report for FREE and if you like my work, I'd be happy to finish the job for a 15% discount off going rates.

Being a perfectionist, I am committed to excellent performance and timely results. I am not happy unless my clients are happy. I proof from a PDF and return only the pages that have been marked with corrections.

Please contact me at
Comment by Bernadette Jochens on October 17, 2014 at 8:59

Looking for proofreading jobs.  I am a former court reporting student and currently a legal assistant at a Chicago law firm.  I have several years experience with proofing for court reporters and proofread every day as a legal assistant with 26 years experience.  I am looking to supplement my income.  Very hardworking and reliable with reasonable rates.  References are available upon request.  I proofread by marking up a hard copy pdf and scanning/emailing back.  Please contact me if you are interested --

Comment by Janet on October 10, 2014 at 3:22

Proofreading, CaseCat v.14. Reasonable rates, very reliable, and fast; will proof from pdf and make changes listed on itemized detailed errata sheets in Word.

Comment by Diana Guzman on October 2, 2014 at 21:08

I am a California CSR.  I am in need of a proofreader!!  My regular proofreader is unavailable for the next two weeks.  I need help!  I have a transcript that's due in tomorrow.  Need someone who's available to proofread it, as well as proofread other transcripts.  My e-mail address is

Comment by Mary Pentangelo on September 18, 2014 at 14:31

I am currently seeking out new proofreaders.  I submit transcripts via ASCII and prefer them electronically corrected in either WORD or PDF.  I stay fairly busy and there is consistent work available.  Please contact me if you are interested at

Comment by Kelly Farrell on September 13, 2014 at 10:17

I am a California CSR.  I am looking for a proofreader to proof 240 pages by Sunday evening.The material is very easy, non-technical depo language; however, the witness speaks in a conversational manner, so I would like this one proofed by another set of eyes.  (Lots of quotes.)If interested, please contact me at and include your rates for this specific job. Thank you so much!Kelly

Comment by Rebecca Callow on September 11, 2014 at 14:13

In search of an excellent proofreader with years of experience who can turn work around within 24 to 36 hours at flat page rate.  I prefer to email transcripts in an PDF or ascii format and receive an errata sheet with corrections.

Please contact me at with a description of your experience, references, turnaround time, and rates.  Must be able to work weekends, daily copy a plus.

Comment by Tracy Gregory on September 10, 2014 at 20:51


I am an experienced proofreader of federal (Social Security Administration and U.S. Tax Court) and Pennsylvania state (Workers Compensation and Unemployment Compensation) transcripts who offers competitive rates, painstaking fact checking, uncompromising quality assurance, and fast turnarounds.  Looking for steady work and can accept Microsoft (.doc, .rtf, .txt) and .pdf files. Please contact

Comment by Sue Ellen on September 8, 2014 at 18:27

Proofreader seeking clients.  My name is Sue Clover, and I am seeking proofreading clients.  I have spent the last several months learning the ins and outs of proofreading from a retired court reporter/current proofreader in the Denver area.  My mentor has declared me ready to run, and I am eager to begin.  My time is my own, so my turnaround can be quick, and my prices are reasonable.  Additionally, I have a BA in English,and have spent the past few years proofing and editing as a function of my job. As an introduction, I will proof your first 50 pages FREE. I can accept transcripts in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt and other formats, and return them in the format of your choice.  I look forward to hearing from and working with many of you!  I can be reached at

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