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Comment by Lorraine Flood on July 27, 2016 at 15:00

I forgot to put that I am on StenoCat.

Comment by Lorraine Flood on July 27, 2016 at 14:59

I am a scopist with 30 and more of scoping and proofing.  I am looking for mostly deposition work.  I am only really interested in non-expedited work as I am working full-time.  I usually do this on nights and weekends.  Please contact me if interested at or on this site.  Thank you.  Lorraine Flood

Comment by Elena Chester on July 19, 2016 at 18:00

I am in search of a fill-in StenoCAT scopist (possibly transitioning to full-time work).  I need someone who will listen to full audio, especially on VIDEO jobs, and actually correct my errors and fill in drops.   Please contact me at if interested and available.  Thanks!

Comment by Bob Moser on July 8, 2016 at 4:41

Busy CaseCat scopist on East Coast looking to add a reporter to the stable... been in the court reporting business since 1998, proofing and scoping for 18 years!  Med-Mal, government, asbestos, transvaginal mesh, etc...  Most jobs $1.25 per page full scope to audio... $1.50 for dailies, rushes, and some highly technical jobs.  I work around the clock and am an early riser, which often works wonders for West Coast reporters who need their work back early the next morning... it will likely be in your box waiting for you when you wake up!  Give me a try!  thanks

Comment by Darci Lingenfelser on July 5, 2016 at 23:40


I am a scopist, former reporter for 28 years, on Eclipse 7.  I listen to every depo with audio even if it takes longer.  Margie Wakeman-Wells was my English teacher.  I am a California CCR.  I will use your preferences, not mine.  My goal is to send you back a flawless transcript.  I have a fast turnaround time, and my rates are very fair.  I have room for one more reporter.  Please e-mail me at or call me at 530-925-3261.  Thank you! 

Comment by Veronica Hooi on July 5, 2016 at 16:18

I'm a scopist looking for work.  I'm on Case Catalyst version 16.  I'm available to work on weekends and public holidays as well.  References and rates are available on request.  Please send me an e-mail at if you need help.

Comment by Lorraine Flood on June 30, 2016 at 7:20

I am a scopist on StenoCat.  I have three days off this weekend and wondered if anyone on StenoCat is looking for a scopist to do some scoping for them so that the court reporters can spend some family time with their family.  I'll work while you play.  If interested, please contact me at and the rates are set by the court reporter.  Thanks and have a great 4th of July weekend.

Comment by Barbara Maxwell on June 30, 2016 at 6:55

I am currently a working reporter trying to transition to scoping full time.  Looking for busy reporters to establish long-term relationship.  I use StenoCat and scope with full audio.  Great attention to detail!  References available.  Contact me at:

Comment by Wade Burghoffer on June 29, 2016 at 19:42

Experienced Eclipse scopist looking to form a long-term working relationship with a busy reporter.  Contact me at:

Comment by Celeste Silva on June 28, 2016 at 22:19

Hi.  I'm looking for an experienced StenoCat scopist that pays close attention to detail and uses full audio.  If you have experience and references, please let me know.  Contact me by e-mail @ CSR10179@GMAIL.COM. Thank you.

Comment by Lorraine Flood on June 28, 2016 at 6:26

Anybody need a Stenocat scopist or proofer?  I am currently available.

Comment by Lorraine Flood on June 21, 2016 at 16:42

Hi my name is Lorraine Flood.  I am a proofer scopist with 30 years of experience.  I am on Stenocat.  I am the only transcriptionist in Vermont Department of Labor and have held the job for 16 years.  I am interested in working nights and weekends.  I am not interested in doing any expedites as I am stilling working full-time.  I let the court reporters set their rates.  Thank you. 

Comment by Vicki Renee Resch on June 16, 2016 at 12:41

Please email me at if you interested in the scoping job for me tomorrow.  Thanks, Vicki

Comment by Vicki Renee Resch on June 16, 2016 at 12:40

I'm looking for an Eclipse scopist to do a daily for me tomorrow.  I can send at lunchtime, then I can do the second half.

Comment by Madonna Farrell on June 12, 2016 at 12:56

btw, i'm on Case Catalyst!!  OMG!

Comment by Madonna Farrell on June 12, 2016 at 12:53

if you can help, email me at!  Thank you and God bless!

Comment by Madonna Farrell on June 12, 2016 at 12:52

I sent another scopist day 1 in thiscase.  She said audio stopped working at pg 66.  It goes to pg 182.  It’s due tomorrow!  Today is my mother and father’s 62nd anniversary, my mother is in a nursing home for Alzheimer's for almost 2 months  now, and I need to get this done sometime tomorrow!  There is audio.  I have been working on it for a short while!  I’m on Pg 81!  is there anyone who can bail me out?  OMG

Comment by DEBRA M on May 25, 2016 at 16:10


I have 4 video deps that I need scoped/proofed with full audio.  They are very, very clean as I personally scoped them but found that I am missing words even though I typed it with the audio.  I have inserted all the parentheticals so it will be smooth saling.  I need all back by Tuesday May 31st  10:00 EST.   I am willing to split the job up between scopists.  I am hoping to give two per scopist.   

I am on Case Catalyst and the audio is very, very clear.  I had a direct feed from the videographer.  I pay promptly and can pay with Chase Quick Pay which deposits the money directly in your account.   

Let me know what you're willing to take.  One or two???

my email is

Comment by Madonna Farrell on May 16, 2016 at 12:42

I am in need of scopist teams.  I have a job starting June 1st, running through August 22nd, at least 3 days a week, some 5 days a week, and they are wanting rough drafts each day.  I have one team already set up.  I work with Case Catalyst and use work units to output every 30 minutes.  I would like a minimum of two on each team.  And I would like for your team to figure out who will be the team leader and coordinate all the work units, so that at the end of the job, hopefully I can put out the rough draft within the hour.  PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED SCOPISTS IN THIS TYPE OF WORK!  You can email me at  Thanks in advance!

Comment by Darci Lingenfelser on May 16, 2016 at 1:36

Hi.  I am a California-licensed CSR and have been for 28 years.  I am now scoping.  I listen to full audio -- yes, even if it takes me longer to do the transcript.  Margie Wakeman-Wells was my English teacher although I scope the transcript the way you want it done, not the way I am used to doing it.  You're the boss!   My rates are very fair, and my turnaround is fast.  I can promise you that I don't "nickel and dime" everything to bring the rate up.  I am on the very lastest version of Eclipse.  While spelling lists most definitely help, I do research.  I also do dailies on Connection Magic.  Please e-mail me at and let's talk.  Thank you!

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