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THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the legal videographer info! I'll make sure to pass along the info to my brother!
Have a great weekend!
I'm a Steno Nerd!
I just checked out your site... VERY NICE!
Could I ask you a few questions about being legal videographer? You see, I have a brother who wants to be a director. He also writes screenplays, and he's won some awards here and there. So he's definitely got the talent to really become a paid director/screenwriter one day as his career.
...but just in case it takes a while longer to get to that point, would you recommend that he become a legal videographer on the side while he pursues his directing/screenwriting career? What are the steps to being a certified videographer? Who would hire him after he's completed school? Is this a freelance thing like court reporting? Or are there official videographers at court?
Any help you provide would be much appreciated! Thank you, JD!
I'm a Steno Nerd!