  • Female
  • San Jose, CA
  • United States
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  • Debbie Gentile
  • Derek Hoagland
  • Veronica Kubat
  • Rhonda R. Harris, CSR
  • Rachel Gard
  • Jill Moyle
  • Nicolete
  • L.S.
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  • Javari Judon
  • Katiana Ball
  • Lisa Migliore Black
  • Jena Macato
  • Jessica K. Belcher
  • Kyung

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At 21:52 on January 9, 2010, Janet Murphy said…
Hi Keva,
I actually find I prefer to write on my machine without the braces on, so that's why I do it. I don't have any wrist pain when writing on my machine if I have it at the right height and keep my body in the right position. But things like carrying my equipment, driving, picking up my kids, cleaning, walking my dogs -- all that kills my wrists, so that's why I wear them virtually all the time but not on the machine.
I do also take the braces off as soon as I get to a depo because I get so many questions from attorneys about them, and I am just tired of talking about it, honestly - not to other reporters or students like you, but to people at work, because I'm saying the exact same thing at every depo if they see my wrist braces.
I think it's a great idea to wear them now. Just so you know and I'm clear, I only started wearing them all the time when I had kids a few years ago. Before then, I only wore them when I slept and worked on the computer and walked my dogs. Picking up little kids all the time has taken a huge toll. Good luck in school and hope that helps!
At 13:36 on May 29, 2009, Rachel Gard said…
Good luck in school, Keva. Stick with it -- reporting is a very rewarding profession.
At 16:07 on May 15, 2009, Deborah Morin said…
Hey Keva,
Glad my advice worked for you. Good luck on getting through school as quickly as possible. Believe it or not, this is the easy part. This job can be challenging but well worth it.
At 6:40 on May 14, 2009, Jill Moyle said…
Hi, Keva. I was a reporter for 10 years and quit when my kids were born. I decided to get back into reporting when they got older and used CRAH to help me get recertified. I've been back reporting for almost a year now. There's lots of good support here. Reporters are such generous people. If you have any questions, let me know.
At 9:36 on May 11, 2009, Lisa Migliore Black said…

Thanks for your friend request. I really don't know how to be anything but honest. And I can honestly say that both of you in your profile picture are very, very pretty people:)
At 8:37 on May 7, 2009, Nicolete said…
Hey! So nice to hear from you, and I'm glad you're moving along so quickly. I'm working on 160s and 180s right now. I keep having a stop/start thing going on with the terrible two and new baby and all. I'm just now getting into the flow again, and it feels great! Everybody is well, and thanks for asking. How's everything with you?
At 19:01 on May 1, 2009, Derek Hoagland said…
Thanks! I put myself into the Mentor's forum more as an opportunity to learn from someone who has somewhere in the order of 10-30 years experience. Once you become a reporter there is so much to learn. I have had my license not even two weeks and I feel so overwhelmed!
At 17:59 on April 29, 2009, Katiana Ball said…
Hello! Thanks for the request! If you ever need any help or advice, send me a message and we'll talk. being at 180 is huge!! You are almost done!
At 10:05 on April 29, 2009, Kyung said…
My little girl just turned five. You're doing a great job if you're juggling kids and school.
At 9:26 on April 29, 2009, Jessica K. Belcher said…
Hello, Keva :) I'm glad you found some interest in my blogs. I haven't been on here much, but if you ever have any questions or anything, please feel free! 180! There's no turning back now, huh? :)

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