Site for Reporters to get work Scoped and for Scopists to get Work!!

I was on another forum and a reporter mentioned this site. It's for court reporters to get work scoped at reasonable rates. And also for scopists to join their site, and the site gets you work and you work when you want, and they pay you every two weeks and just take 10% commission fee.

Sounds real good for the scopists that are looking for work and for reporters to get their work scoped on the occasions that their own personal scopist is too busy or away on vacation.

The site is

Hope this helps some of you.


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Comment by Daniele Self on September 11, 2008 at 15:00
I agree with Ang about reporters not wanting to hand their work over to an unknown. There is a lot of proprietary info in transcripts that might not want to be given to anyone! I spoke with a lady who's former scopist was contracting her jobs out to other scopists without her permission! What a nightmare! I can proudly say that I would NEVER even think about doing that. How unprofessional!!!
Comment by Teresa on August 22, 2008 at 8:13
In response to Sabrina and Michelle, that has been my experience. I have been able to work full-time and gain a great deal of experience in many different areas -- depositions and courtroom trials, personal injury, expert witness, technical, medical, etc. Plus, I get a steady paycheck. In the meantime, I continue to work with any individual reporters who send files on as-needed basis as I build my own business.

Yes, the agency takes a cut, of course. But they have found the clients, and they do the billing, and there is a certainly a value associated with that for me. I am self-supporting and decided to leave a lucrative sales and marketing position in Corporatate America to change careers. I selected scoping. After receiving my diploma, I needed to hit the ground running as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the economy hasn't cooperated as well as it could have!

I would love to have a steady team of reporters. Until that happens, I do have a steady paycheck that allows me to work steadily in this field which I love -- as I thought I would!
Comment by Michelle on August 15, 2008 at 15:56
I totally agree with Sabrina. When the economy is in slump, like it is now, it's really difficult to get new clients, but all you can do is hang in there and hope your regular reporters stay busy!
Comment by Sabrina on August 6, 2008 at 13:01
While I do agree with some of the advice from Ang, I will tell you that whenever the economy is like it is at the present, everyone, including reporters, tighten their belts and try to do their work on their own and refrain from hiring or looking for a scopist. I have been scoping for three years and was a reporter for 11 years prior to that. It's true that good marketing is key, but in times like these, when people are cutting back on everything, unless you already have an established client base, it's hard to find people who will take a chance on scopists. Hang in there! Things will pick up; they always do.
Comment by Renee on August 6, 2008 at 8:44
Karen, I have been marketing like crazy the past few weeks, but it hasn't gotten me anywhere. At least that site would be good to fall back on during the lean times.
Comment by Karen A. Jones on August 6, 2008 at 6:44
What all scopists should know is that Professional Scopists takes a cut out of each page you scope. If this works for you in finding work, fine. My suggestion is scopists take the time and make the effort to do their own marketing and cut out the middleman.
Comment by Teresa on August 3, 2008 at 14:32
I've been working with Lisa at Professional Scopists for many months. She screens scoping applicants upfront, and you might need to wait until she has an opening/need for the software you use.

Once you're working, you can select jobs that you want, only when you want. You always know upfront exactly what you will be paid for each job, and you will paid every two weeks.

Lisa is always available for questions and is very nice to work with.
Comment by K.C. Corbin on August 3, 2008 at 5:35
I sent an e-mail to find out more information. During slow times, it sounds like a great way to keep working. Thanks for the link!
Comment by Renee on August 2, 2008 at 15:30
Wow! Cool site! Have any of you tried it yet?
Comment by S. Arielle on July 31, 2008 at 9:33
Your welcone. Hope lots of people could benefit from it

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