Well, I hurt my back somehow on Friday, and I have been in pain all week long. In depo today, I sat in the most uncomfortable chair and we were there for all day. Somebody just kill me now.

Anyway, I have signed up for a cheapie massage at a place called Massage Envy. They're having an introductory massage for $39 for 1 hour. You can also buy a membership which entitles you to one hour-long free massage a month, and then unlimited massages at the low, low price of $39. If this works out, it might be something we as reporters might want to look further into. I know you all get aches and pains from working.

I'll keep you updated. Since we don't have health insurance on our own, it might be one way of being proactive in taking care of ourselves.

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Comment by Tonya on July 19, 2008 at 20:39
Great information on Massage Envy and massage in general. I've been a reporter for 14 years and discovered massage early in my career. It's an absolute necessity for any reporter. I've also found that good nutrition, exercise, and getting enough sleep are absolutes as well. Stress is our enemy in this business, and anything you can do to alleviate all that tension is mandatory. I've also had good results with yoga and have also found that regular chiropractic treatments are beneficial.
Comment by Skylar Hall on May 1, 2008 at 19:48

Every client is allowed in ONCE at the introductory rates (which are also the member rates - $39 for one hour, 50 mins hands on time - or $57 for an hour and a half, 80 mins hands on time). This is a way for everyone to try out Massage Envy (just once) and you're under no obligation to sign up for anything. AFTER your intro massage, we may try to sell you a membership...it really depends. The membership is $59 per month and it is electronically debited from any credit card or checking account. The $59 gives you a one-hour massage. Every other massage you want is $39 each. You can upgrade to a 1 1/2 hr massage for only $18 more. Technically, if you want to work the system, you are allowed in at the $39 intro rate once every six months. Some people try to get the intro at different Massage Envy franchises, but we have a nationwide client database, so we can look you up, and oftentimes people do get caught.

Keep in mind these are all the "special market" rates. Massage Envys in California are considered special market. Rates may be lower in other states.
Comment by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on May 1, 2008 at 9:53
I was a member of massage envy for a few years. I met my massage therapist there. If you are in Roseville, CA, and are near the franchise off of Fairway ask for Trena. She does an amazing deep tissue massage.
Comment by Judy on April 12, 2008 at 12:57

So what's the deal to join Massage Envy? How much to join? How much are the massages? Any limitations? I'd like to hear the sales pitch from you instead of going in the location up the street :)

Comment by Skylar Hall on April 12, 2008 at 1:00
VERY interesting. I've worked for Massage Envy franchises in the Sacramento, CA area for over two years. (Still working there full time while a CR student. I'm not a massage therapist, though.) Deep tissue is not for everyone - it can cause pain (both immediate & delayed onset) & can even cause bruising. It is best to start with a medium or firm Swedish massage and then work your way up. You have to build your tolerance. Many people think they "need" Deep Tissue, then try to complain afterward that the massage was too painful. It's not for everyone.

More to the point...I began having problems with my wrists & forearms after just 6 weeks of theory. My amazing job has provided me with constant contact with massage therapists who can strip out my forearms...basically stripping out the muscles to break up the scar tissue that develops from holding your arms suspended over a steno machine for hours per day. Now my problem is more like thoracic outlet syndrome, but massage therapy has absolutely saved my life. My theory instructor told me I wouldn't last if I had any kind of wrist or arm trouble. After a month of wrist splints & weekly massage sessions, all I can say is that I owe my future career to massage therapy. Even if you don't have an actual "problem" or pain, YET, massage therapy absolutely can & will help prevent these problems.

Periodically I experience pretty bad lower back pain from sitting all day at school, then sitting all night at work, and massage has saved me there, too.

Judy: We are instructed to give the sales pitch AFTER your $39 intro massage. ;) And if you don't want to hear about it, just say you don't want to hear about it...no big deal. Massage Envy doesn't push a "hard sell" on its sales reps.
Comment by Sue Baker on April 10, 2008 at 14:14
That "deep tissue massage" reminded me of my daughter in fifth grade. She heard her teacher on the phone making an appointment for a massage for her and her fiance and just came home hysterically laughing over the two of them getting a "deep tushie massage."
Comment by Sue Baker on April 10, 2008 at 14:13
Great idea. Try Aleve, also, it is a lifesaver for back pain.
Comment by Natalie Rodriguez on April 9, 2008 at 23:15
I met the owner of one that opened here at my moonlighting job. She gave me coupons to give at school, it is a franchise.
Comment by Kyung on April 9, 2008 at 17:38
Nope. Didn't have to sit through some sales pitch.
Comment by Judy on April 9, 2008 at 16:07
But don't you have to sit through some kind of sales pitch for their membership before you qualify for your $39 massage? That's what I heard.

Make sure you tell them you want a DEEP TISSUE massage. Anything else is a waste.

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