Expedites!! Expedites!! Expedites!!

I have never seen so many expedites. I am drowning in them.

I have taken 9 depositions in the last three weeks. 1 nonappearance, which I knew was going to be a nonappearance which was the only reason I took it.

Out of those 9 depositions 7 depositions expedited. That's a lot. And we're not talking oh, I need it in a week. We're talking I need it ASAP, I need it tomorrow. The depo was taken last Wed, but I need it asap. Blah!!!

My take. I think we were so slow for so long bec. all the attorneys were trying to settle, and then realized that they're not going to settle and, oh, no, I've got a trial or deadline so I need that expedited.

I've been talking to agencies and a lot of reporters are getting buried under expedites. Good for us in that we get more money for fewer pages. But I like to come home and unwind instead of throwing myself into an transcript.

Oh, well, it's the nature of the beast.

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Comment by Kyung on April 4, 2008 at 10:26

I like it too. I might keep it around for a while.
Comment by Linda C. on April 4, 2008 at 8:53
"Nature of the beast," for sure! With my experience as a scopist, I find that when one of my clients gets an expedited, usually the rest will follow suit in close proximity, and they are all in different states! The worst was last summer when two of my official court reporters, who had actually been sitting in their offices with not a lot to do for weeks, ended up in 6-week trials with daily copy at exactly the same time! Augh! Fortunately, there was a difference in time zones and dark days, so we managed to get a system going whereby we got it all done, but I was ready for a holiday after that one!

This is just one of the reasons why I think court reporters do not get all the recognition they deserve. I don't know how you all do what you do. They would be hauling me off in a straitjacket for sure!

On a different note, I really love your background on this page :)

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