Well, I've been working with a bad back for the last month or so. So I finally went to the chiropractor yesterday and got cracked. I'm now supposed to go 3 times a week for a couple of weeks. We'll see how that goes. But hopefully this will help me get unkinked. On the positive side, the chiro told me that he didn't want me working out at all. He's afraid I'll re-injure myself. I'm very excited that someone has actually told me not to exercise. It gives me an excuse to be a sloth w/out guilt . Whoo-hoo.

It's been murder sitting in all-day depos in some of the chairs I've been in. Bleh!! So remember to take care of yourself. It's very important in our job.

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Comment by Sue Baker on May 6, 2008 at 18:08
I worked out a lot in my twenties and always had a terrible neckache and shoulder problems (Jazzercise, I think). Now I only do elliptical and walking and back exercises from an orthopedist. It really helps since we have to sit so much. Good luck, Kyung. Alleve is really good for back ache, too.

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