My last day at my current job is today. It is a little scary -- I have been here for almost 3.5 years and am familiar with my surroundings here. They have been so supportive of me throughout my schooling and were incredibly accommodating when I did my internship. I have been lucky to work here with the people I have been associated with.
However, I am SO EXCITED to dive into this crazy world of being a working court reporter! I have a fabulous agency that I interned with that is helping me get started and are sending me out next week! Luckily, I have had over 70 hours of interning to get my feet wet with and I am ready for some jobs of my own. At this point I am more nervous about putting together the transcript than I am actually going to the job and writing. I'm sure that will change, though, once I actually get an assigned job!
I have my professional software, notary, laptop, machine, paper, and all the extras that I need to bring with me. I am prepared with all the "stuff" I have to take to the job. I even know the oath already! :) I know that all of you remember your first job...does anyone have any advice on what I should be prepared for when I get to the job, or any tips that you wouldn't learn from school? I plan on being there a half hour early, and I have my business cards ready to hand out. I will be dressed professionally and polite. Just writing all this out is making me nervous!
Thanks for your help in advance!
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