So today I did a motion at the Santa Monica Courthouse.  I was excited to do it because I find court to be intriguing. I'd love to be an official, but right now freelance depo work is more suited to my family's needs. Maybe after my little guy has gone off to college. 

Anyway it was interesting. Since it was a motion it certainly went fast. They weren't used to having a reporter in there either because they were just going so fast! There were five attorneys there. I think I did okay. Got to take a look at my notes, but I'm willing to do more of these if they offer them my way. While I was still in school I was mulling over doing pro tem work for the courts since I think that offers a little more flexibility. Anyway, just thought I'd share!

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Comment by Shanna Gray on February 28, 2012 at 13:14

Thanks, ladies!  I sat out with a really great official downtown, Diana Van Dyke. She taught me a lot while I sat out with her. I also did a month or two of OAH hearings in downtown Los Angeles so I was up to the challenge in that sense. I'm not going to say it wasn't challenging, but I did like it. : )

Comment by Janet on February 28, 2012 at 13:11


I'm so impressed, Shanna.  There are so many reporters that won't go into court due to the increased speed/difficulty of the work, especially motion sessions.  Good for you for jumping right in there!

Comment by Cindy Clark on February 27, 2012 at 18:18

Sounds fun, Shanna!  I'm sure you did great.  I personally think court cases are more interesting too.  Good for you on doing something new!

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