Hello All,

I am a CSR baby and am looking for advice on court reporting schools. I live in Sonoma CA and have been looking at College of Marin and a home study program - http://courtreportingathome.com/ Can anyone comment on these 2 schools or recommend other schools in the Bay Area, northern cal area?

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Comment by Connie Pierce on April 13, 2011 at 16:28
Hello Ana.  I'm late to the party, but online anything to do with court reporting is like running in mud.  Go to school, College of Marin, Humphreys, or West Valley (another community college in Saratoga).  Stay on the machine as much as possible.  Eat, drink, and sleep steno.  I wish somebody had told me the differences between all the different theories out there.  I an a CART provider and had to learn the hard way my theory was not "conflict free".  It's an on-going process but makes life so much easier when you don't waste time editing
Comment by Kay Reindl on January 6, 2010 at 12:20
Hello, Ana. My name is Kay Reindl, and I am the department chair of the CR program at Humhreys College, Stockton, CA. I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you about our program. You may reach me at www.kreindl@humphreys.edu or 209-235-2931. You may also check out the college's Web site at humphreys.edu. Hope to hear from you!
Comment by Ana Ramirez on January 5, 2010 at 13:44
Thanks Patricia and Kelli for your comments. Patricia, how long ago did you attend and how long did it take for you to graduate from COM? Did you go FT or PT? Wondering because I am currentlly looking for work that will accomodate me going back to school. Also I'm wondering if I should have posted this as a Discussion instead of a Blog thread. Sorry so many questions.
Comment by Patricia Babits on January 5, 2010 at 12:59
I forgot to say that I would recommend College of Marin IVC over any online school.
Comment by Patricia Babits on January 5, 2010 at 12:43
Hi. I went to College of Marin. The best thing about the program is it's a public school. The tuition is very, very low. The biggest problem with the school is you are only on the machine from 8:40 until 11:00 or so. Therefore, you need to be very, very discliplined to get out of school in a reasonable amount of time. There wasn't a lot of push at that school to graduate. There were women there for ten years. You are going to need to practice a lot more than a school where you're on the machine all day. There are two court reporters teaching there now, which is a big plus. If you have any other questions, I would be happy to talk to you.

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