I am a court reporting student, and I have a question regarding Winner software. I am having trouble getting my line numbers to show up on a transcript that I had to had indexes on. Once I added the indexes, my line numbers went away.

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Comment by Tami on February 14, 2009 at 12:20
Yes, Judy. I've been on it about 22 years, but I didn't renew my contract last month and plan to switch to Eclipse soon. Procat still hadn't had RT macros on the fly last time I checked, even though I've requested the technology since about 2000, the year I read MK's book "My System" and realized DigitalCat had the feature.

I finally see the light. :)
Comment by Jaimie on February 14, 2009 at 8:03
Thank you, Heather! I tried it and it still didn't work. I don't know why it just stopped working when I added those indexes. Maybe I should try to figure out how to redo the whole template. Maybe that would reset it. :)
But, thank you again for your help!!
Comment by Jaimie on February 12, 2009 at 20:44
Thank you for all of your input!! ;)
Comment by Judy on February 12, 2009 at 19:01
Glen gives you some very good names. Maybe contact Phil through this site and he'll be able to help you.

Isn't ProCat the software that Tami's on?
Comment by Glen Warner on February 12, 2009 at 18:56
Judy --

That's ProCAT Winner. I have an article in-hand in my forthcoming CAT Wars series, where I will have working reporters tell us about their CAT software. Phil Stillerman wrote the ProCAT Winner article, and I will post it in about a month (waiting for a few other articles to come in ... and for Mark K. to rewrite his entry).

Sorry, Jaimie, for not having anything really helpful to say ... but you might try checking your preferences, or your page layout settings. Somewhere in one of those locations should be a checkbox that says "Line Numbers" or something like that.

Once you find that, click it ... and look around your preferences and see if you have something that talks about "templates."

What that should be is a setting that you use to create a set of settings that will be set for every new document you open.

You would then set your document up as you want, then save the document as a template.

This is good if you're working for a couple different agencies, that have different requirements (like page numbers on the left for one agency, vs. page numbers on the right for another, special footers for one agency, a different set of footers for another, etc.).

Hope that makes sense ....

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Comment by Judy on February 12, 2009 at 17:54
I've never heard of it. Who makes it?

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