I want to switch to using wide keys. I notice that Mark only uses the single-wide asterisk key. Is there a reason I shouldn't order the double-wide? It seems that I can get better use out of using my left index finger as well as my right. Also, is it better to extend the TS or the DZ key? Thanks for your help.

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Comment by Tami on May 16, 2009 at 16:59
And, Mike, I've gotten double keys put on a couple machines the last couple years for my son. I think it's usually about $60 for the set, but I think you can pretty easily do it yourself, too.

I recently put double keys on my vowel keys. While I really liked the feel on the Procat writer I have -- the one before the Stylus, but I'm blank on the name -- I'm not sure I like the double keys on my Mira. They are a sliver too high on the Mira. I preferred the soft pads stacked three high on the vowel keys on my Mira.

I do recommend building up the vowel keys, though.
Comment by Tami on May 16, 2009 at 16:54
No, Kim. He recommends the wide asterisk to the right only, not to the left.

He also recommends the wide -DZ and not the wide -TS.

I learned theory with that same setup, and I, too, think it's the best way to go, for what it's worth.
Comment by Kim Begg on May 15, 2009 at 20:54
I had "wide" on the brain. Haha!!

I'm going to change the keys myself. I know it's not recommended. There is a website called Top Cat Steno with an instructional video on how to do it.
Comment by Kim Begg on May 15, 2009 at 20:41
Wide doesn't he recommend double wide? It seems that it would be more comfortable using the left finger for it sometimes. Does he also recommend the extended DZ as opposed to the extended TS? I'll try to figure out how to post in the group. I thought I did. Thanks.
Comment by Mike Rowell on May 15, 2009 at 16:18
What is the process like for changing a keyboard? Do you have to ship your writer to your vendor, or are there shops you go to? Does it take long? .... is there one in northern California?
Comment by Tami on May 15, 2009 at 10:57
Well, not sure that he's "adamand," but I'm pretty sure he's "adamant." :)
Comment by Tami on May 15, 2009 at 10:56
I think Mark is pretty adamand about just using the * wide to the right, Kim. At his seminar he had one pointer finger talking to the other, so it's pretty clear in my mind that he does not recommend the double-wide asterisk.

Maybe if you post it in our group he'll give us the reason why.

You'll open the whole world with wide keys!
Comment by Kim Begg on May 15, 2009 at 10:39
Thank you for the info. I think I'll go with the extended DZ. Also, since I've never used wide keys yet, I think I'll learn the double-wide asterisk. I love writing shorter. Life is much less difficult now! Thank you, CSR Nation and Mark Kislingbury!

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