Huntington Jr College/Online Students Post

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone out there in CSRnation is or was a student at Huntington Jr College in WV? Thats where I'm starting (online) next year! Also was wondering if there is a group on here for just online students? I didnt see one. But maybe there really isn't a need for one? I mean a student is a student is a student. Whether you're online or go to a brick & mortar.

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Comment by Angelia Bell on December 4, 2009 at 12:25
Hi Vicki! Thanks for responding to my blog. =) You're with Penn Foster? I recieved a brochure from them but I wasn't sure if (federal) financial aid was offered with them. So you did get a Protege through them? That's cool! Are you in speeds yet? I was at 60 when I had to withdraw from the brick & mortar I went to before so now I'll be starting fresh. First day of online class is Jan 5th. I'm praying I'll have a machine by then! I really want a Protege but of course I'd accept a 400SRT if thats all I can get. Anything is better than a manual---ugh!! ;-) I'd like to hear about your progress with school. Can I add you as a friend?
Comment by Vicki on December 4, 2009 at 8:59
Angelina, I have been studying CR online for about a year and a half (Penn Foster). I wanted to let you know that my machine (Stentura Protege) was included in the tuition ($2998). I never used it because I already had a machine, but it turns out that it's a very nice one. Keep a post on here of how the online thing works out. I haven't talked to too many that have gone that route. So far it's been okay, a lot of self motivation is needed since you don't have an instructor "visually" watching your progress (and sometimes lack thereof).
Comment by Glen Warner on November 10, 2009 at 21:21
Angelia --

Good luck!

On the plus side, you'll know pretty quickly if you do something wrong!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Comment by Angelia Bell on November 10, 2009 at 12:49
Hey thanks Glen! Wasn't aware they had a court reporting group on Yahoo!! Ok wish me luck on setting the delivery method (yikes).... ;-)
Comment by Glen Warner on November 9, 2009 at 21:04
Hi, Angelina.

Alas, I'm not a Huntington student ... but have you ever heard of the Yahoo group, [url=]CourtReportingStudents[/url]?

As this is a mailing list, I highly recommend that when you subscribe you either set the delivery method either web only, or daily digest ... otherwise, you'll have a *lot* of message traffic sometimes!

Also, it doesn't matter whether you're an online student or not ... you're still a court reporting student, and no matter how you go to school, you will run into the same issues, and this group is a good place to post questions!

Good luck ....

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."

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