Angelia Bell's Blog (4)

Court reporting or captioning???

I'm already enrolled at Huntington Jr College but I'm still researching other schools & what I'm noticing is that alot of them have a certain curriculum for court reporting or one for CART/captioning. You have to choose. And I'm not sure which one I'm more interested in! I think I'd like to try both. Working as an official court reporter seems very prestigious & important. I feel like I would really be contributing to the legal process. But then being a captioner sounds interesting… Continue

Added by Angelia Bell on November 13, 2009 at 8:30 — 10 Comments

Huntington Jr College/Online Students Post

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone out there in CSRnation is or was a student at Huntington Jr College in WV? Thats where I'm starting (online) next year! Also was wondering if there is a group on here for just online students? I didnt see one. But maybe there really isn't a need for one? I mean a student is a student is a student. Whether you're online or go to a brick & mortar.

Added by Angelia Bell on November 6, 2009 at 12:02 — 5 Comments

Machine - To students & reporters

To the reporters, I'm curious to know what machine did you use during school? And as a professional, what machine are you using now? To the students, which machine are you using? I currently don't have a machine. I'm hoping financial aid will cover it when I start school next year, but when I was previously in school (2006-2008) I rented a steno manual (dirty beige color) from the school.

Added by Angelia Bell on October 29, 2009 at 10:39 — 13 Comments

Court Reporting Gifts/Merchandise.

I wish CSRnation had a store on here, where we could order all things pertaining to court reporting (i.e., mugs, t-shirts, lanyards, mouse pads, caps, keychains, etc). Just thought I'd throw that idea out there! ;-)

Added by Angelia Bell on October 28, 2009 at 10:38 — 1 Comment

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