To the reporters, I'm curious to know what machine did you use during school? And as a professional, what machine are you using now? To the students, which machine are you using? I currently don't have a machine. I'm hoping financial aid will cover it when I start school next year, but when I was previously in school (2006-2008) I rented a steno manual (dirty beige color) from the school.

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Comment by Glen Warner on October 30, 2009 at 20:56
Hi, Angelia.

I'm an o-again, off-again student ... and I started on a borrowed (from work) manual machine, the name of which I can't recall. It was so old, the instructors had NO IDEA how to change the ink in it! :o)

After that three-week trial period of the school (I wanted to see if I could understand this "theory" stuff people kept talking about), I rented another manual writer (again, I forget what it was) for another six months or so, all the while looking through my boss' copies of the JCR and drooling over the new writers: The Stentura 8000 LX, the ProCAT Flash, etc.

I eventually decided I was going to get myself a good machine, and I looked intently at all the ads in the JCR ... even more intently than when I was just exercising my Technolust ("Me wants it, me needs it, must have the Precious!")!

I finally settled on a ProCAT Flash. I bought the writer because it had a screen, AND it didn't have a floppy drive. Instead, it had a memory card, with no moving parts ... which means it was less prone to failure.

You can read about my misadventures with my ProCAT Flash here ... and, Financial Aid permitting, you can buy my spare ProCAT Flash for a mere $1200 (plus shipping)!

Good luck, no matter which writer you end up with!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Comment by Judy on October 30, 2009 at 16:37
I think my first manual during school was an ugly green.

Then after I received my license I almost immediately went to a CAT system, which had this box on the bottom of your writer. Don't remember what was between that and the 6000LX, but I know there was something because I sold it to another reporter for her daughter that was starting school. Now I'm using a Mira, but hope to upgrade to either the one Veronica keeps recommending or a Diamante.

Now I'm wondering what happened to the ugly green manual. Did they attach the Xscribe box to our existing machine? Oh, my, I'm aging myself.
Comment by Patricia Babits on October 29, 2009 at 21:53
I started with a manual. I bought the Stentura 400 after my first year. I used a Stentura 8000 when I started working. Now I'm using a Mira.

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