Candice's Comments

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At 12:07 on December 15, 2008, Tami said…
Great fuzzy socks day today! It's POURING here.

You guys didn't see each other this weekend, huh!!

First depo in an hour. I'm so NERVOUS! :)
At 9:46 on December 11, 2008, Tami said…
Bet you're getting anxious!
At 9:14 on December 8, 2008, Tami said…
I didn't hear anything about the escalator, but he did show me the Santa letter -- too cute! -- and he told me about getting glasses at the swapmeet.

Our weekend was crazy. I crashed last night at 7:30 watching Sunday Night Football.

Would love some time off. Yes, I know I just had some time off, but that just makes me want more. :)

Got to get my house back into shape. I'd give my big toe for a good housekeeper.

The pirate ship is looking awesome. The boys are really getting excited about it.

Have a great week!
At 21:04 on December 6, 2008, Tami said…
Somebody was missing you!!
At 14:34 on November 28, 2008, Tami said…
We missed you, too, Candice. I had two boys wanting you there all week!

Maui was beautiful. We stayed at such a beautiful condo overlooking the ocean. It was amazing!!! Next time you'll have to come with!

Oh, and your SIX errors on the CSR is truly amazing!!!
At 12:10 on November 25, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Well, well, well, Dear Young Lady:
A very hearty congratulations to you, too. I am so proud of you. I just holla'd at Clay with his 6 errors and you with 7; I thought I did good when I had 16. Well, done, dear lady; WELL DONE! Welcome aboard! come on Down! There's plenty of room out here. Now, I believe I remember meeting you and Clay at the CCRA convention. Am I right? And if I did, I gave you guys my card. If you read it, it has my exam score on it. I was really proud of that. YOu should be, too; and I would definitely put exam results on there for all to see. That was totally awesome what you two just did. I just can't find the words to describe how ecstatic I am for you. I will be holding you two up as an example for many years to come for this. I hope you don't mind. I'd like to shake your hand once more, get your autograph, get a big hug, or something but I'll just settle for this: May I have the honor of being your friend? I'll settle for that. Hey, if you two have a celebration party at all (and why not?) I'd like to come. Keep me informed....if you haven't had it already. Yeah, maybe I'll holla at my friend, Tami, and have her throw that for you two. You'd be surprised how many of us would like to come and personally give you your props. Well, enough of boring you.......or if you don't mind, I'll do it again tomorrow! Okay, peace out, young one; and JOB WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 20:15 on November 10, 2008, Tami said…
YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!

At 22:15 on November 7, 2008, Tami said…
Well, glad I could be the queen of something!!
At 14:08 on October 26, 2008, Tami said…
I posted the Vegas pics. There are a couple really cute ones of you and Clay.

If you get bored after this week, would you share a couple of the school banquet pics with Mrs. Freer?

Hey, great luck on Thursday!!
At 10:21 on October 26, 2008, Tami said…
I know!!! I'm so stoked!!!

I had no idea they would give him his results immediately. How cool is that!!! RPR WKT Pass!!!


So glad to have him home today. I hadn't seen his since Vegas.
At 10:02 on October 24, 2008, Tami said…
Man, I kind of did nag a bit, didn't I???

I try to be cool, but when it's down to pretty much the last day, I had to heat it up a little. Felt bad that he had just taken that killer test and I was telling him he couldn't rest and had to get that test scheduled. Don't think he wanted to lose his $140. He paid for that one out of his pocket.

Sounds to me like you both did great on the English. I admire you both for working so hard. I'm sure I would have flunked the same test.

We just write what people say. I'm really good at that. :)

Halloween party tonight at Ben's. I don't even know if Clay knows about it. He says the haunted house is supposed to even be better than last year. Can't be as good without you and Clay as part of the act. :)
At 18:54 on October 23, 2008, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
Tami mentioned that you're cramming for the academic portion of the test, so it's very sweet of you to take the time to respond. I started tucking in those -ing, -er, -es, etc strokes right out of theory, but I haven't started applying the and phrases. I found out about that a few months ago, and I thought it was a great idea. I'll start trying to implement those and go from there. Magnum Steno's a bit pricey for me right now, but I did manage to get a used copy of the old theory book. I'll look through it and see what clicks. . .
Thanks :)
And best of luck on the test. I'm sure you'll do great. . .
At 13:01 on October 20, 2008, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
I'm a student at Cerritos College, and I've been talking to Tami about trying to implement some of Kislingbury's principles into my writing. She suggested I talk to you about it since we started with the same theory.
If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears -- or eyes.
By the way, I understand you just took the CSR and did very well, congratulations!
At 23:33 on October 17, 2008, Tami said…
IS IT TRUE???????


You got to post me, Girl!!!
At 13:07 on September 25, 2008, Tami said…
Yes, Clay did tell me you're taking the Eclipse class. I really think it's the way to go. I've been trying to get Clay to look at DigitalCat, too. Cheap start.

We're going to get all those subjective/objective pronouns all ironed out on the drive up to Vegas. :)

I'll get him trapped in the car for eight hours (there and back), and we're going to be doing a CSR jam session. :)

Haylee is no longer afraid of hurricanes. That really scares me now. She thinks they're nothing to worry about. I liked it a lot more when she repected them. Since they missed her almost completely, she really has no idea of their devastation. Don't think she watches the news often either. Those poor people got hit so hard!

Chase plays most of his games on Thursday, even though he plays tomorrow (Friday) in Hemet.

Oh, I almost forgot, he plays at San Clemente High School next week, I think it is. Maybe you could make it to that one?? That's almost in your backyard.

I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make it to that one. Alton will be already over there working, so he can't take me, and I really don't want to drive the Ortegas by myself.

I know, what a wimp!

Clay sounded so happy yesterday when you were over.
At 13:22 on September 24, 2008, Tami said…
Oh, and the family is great.

Chase is kickin' butt in football. He's playing safety, starting. There's over 100 boys on the team. Last week they never took him out on defense. He made two interceptions and a couple great tackles.

Next game's on Friday, and I can't wait.

Cole has a GEVL now. (You know my brief for "girls are the devil," right?)

Of course that never applied to you. :)

She's actually really sweet.

Haven't asked her about how she feels about court reporting. I think I will try to wait a couple months before posing the question. :)

The hurricanes all missed Haylee. She's in a new house and loving it. She already has planted flowers and is growing some veggies. She's still my wild and crazy GEVL, but I sure love her anyway!

Cade is doing great in school. What he lacks physically he makes up for academically.

Thanks for asking!
At 13:14 on September 24, 2008, Tami said…
That's scary that a couple weeks before the CSR Clay doesn't know what objective and subjective pronouns are. I'll act like I didn't know that. :)

No, I can't go with him to the CSR. You saw how I was when I competed. I am the SUPER FREAK!!!

I can't let my freak rub off on him. Kills me not to go, but it would kill him if I did. :)

Think he'll do much better without me there.

I did get him on the same flight with you and your mom. Made hotel reservations at the Red Lion, though. He's in a pillow-top, queen bed (room) all to himself. Think he'll like that. :)

How is CSR prep going??
At 17:52 on August 30, 2008, Tami said…
Just wanted to let you know I miss you a lot. . .
At 10:06 on August 11, 2008, Tami said…
Oh, I like that pic. You can borrow any pic you want. I have some great ones of you, huh!!

I only got a short time on the LS because Clay left for the night, and when his laptop went on sleep mode, I needed his fingerprint to get back in. Think he's going back home tonight, so I probably will not get a chance to hook it back up.

If you didn't know, he let me load the LS software on his laptop because mine's so old I'm sure it would crash it and the LS wouldn't work properly anyway.

I have been writing on it while it's off and not hooked up, and I think I am going to love it -- if I can get all the configs. worked out.

Just need to get a new laptop. I don't want Vista. Clay's ThinkPad is really nice. Think I might take a serious look at it.

Hope you're doing great! I miss you!!
At 19:06 on August 10, 2008, Clay Frazier said…
aww how sad.....
changing the backdrop is more what i was aiming for but whatevererrrr:(

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