Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC's Comments

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At 11:58 on June 7, 2016, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…

Jenny, it's been four years since your message to me about your I.E.

How do you like it now?  I still have my REV Grand and I'm thinking of

something else.  but I do like the split keyboard.  Does the I.E. have a

split keyboard?

I would be interested in hearing about your I.E. and how you like it.

tks kathy hettick

At 10:25 on March 25, 2014, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Jenny, for the well wishes.  Still hanging in there.  

At 9:17 on March 15, 2014, Janet said…

Thank you, Jenny!   The part I didn't mention is that I went to my job and didn't go to the ER until the depo ended. It was about the eighth day of a highly technical environmental case.  I couldn't picture someone being thrown into that without any preparation at the last minute. 

Thanks again!

At 13:25 on February 10, 2014, Kyung said…

Thanks for the cake and the wishes.

At 9:16 on February 2, 2014, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Jenny.  I'm pretty much ready to throw in the towel.  I just can't write very well at all on this machine.  No way would I take it out on a realtime job.  

At 21:37 on January 22, 2014, L. Regan, CSR, RMR said…

Jenny, thanks so much for the reply!


At 22:22 on January 5, 2014, Lorna Brodie said…

Sometimes I'm sorry I got so hooked on football.   It's been such a tough season for Green Bay with Aaron Rodgers out with an injury most of the season.  

At 18:31 on December 21, 2013, Janet said…

Thanks, Jenny!   Oh, I remember the tweaking.  :)   I ended up using your settings when I had my LS.

At 18:09 on December 21, 2013, Janet said…

Hi, Jenny.  That was another Janet that bought the Lightspeed.  I'm happy with my Diamante. 

Merry Christmas! 


At 10:21 on December 20, 2013, April Floyd said…

That's a beautiful holiday box!

Thanks - I'll need all the luck I can get!

At 19:43 on August 27, 2013, Keith Rowan II said…

Next time.  :)

At 14:43 on July 26, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

That's because it's broken.  I've filed a report on it with tech support.  There are other Ning websites that have the same issue.  The tech people are in the process of trying to fix it.

At 17:06 on June 12, 2013, Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR said…

Thank you!  I worked hard and paid a lot for that sucker!!  So glad to get it over with.  NO more tests for me!!!!

At 6:19 on June 12, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Jenny

It's nice to be home!!

At 15:21 on June 10, 2013, Susan Leland said…

Jenny, I will call again this week.   Just want to chat and touch base...

At 11:59 on April 3, 2013, Kim Meierotto said…

Thanks, Jenny.  Still scratching my head over this one but honored.


At 17:09 on March 1, 2013, April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR said…

Hi Jenny,

How are you?  I'm back to work and getting backlogged.  Can you refer an Eclipse scopist? It's hit and miss with my previous scopist. Dealing w/info overload from the DRA conv. in NP Beach last weekend! 

Thank you!


At 0:43 on February 1, 2013, Mary Hogan said…

Jenny -- Thanks so much for the info.  Great website!  I'll pass it on.

I SO enjoy looking at the beautiful welcome message you sent me.  I really

brings me cheer.

At 22:13 on January 30, 2013, Mary Hogan said…

Thanks for the beautiful welcome -- now that's special!!

Really made my day  : -)

At 9:11 on January 23, 2013, Susan Leland said…

I think about you often, and the thought brightens my day.  You have taught me some great shortcuts and valuable lessons.  You are the best!



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