Got it, finally digitalCAT on my computer. Now what? It looks like a glorified word processor. Have the full manual, and think every is working properly. At the present, have no file to open. Hopefully this is not considered an advertisement. Going out on a limb here, but, is there is a digitalCAT court reporter or scopist out there who would be willing to send me an old file of some sort I could use for practice? I need to walk through the whole process a couple of times just to be sure everything is set up correctly and I understand the process.

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Do you mean a transcript with audio to practice scoping?

Yes, I think that's what I mean, I find after taking the USCI legal transcription course, it leaves out a lot, note reading seems to be okay, but there was no contact at all with the scoping side of the house. By the way, thanks for contacting me.
You're welcome. I will forward you an old dep & the audio. I will also include some files for DC with an explaination shortly.
That would be wonderful. I've been thinking I'm have pipe dreams about being a scopist at the age of 67. Can still type at about 90 wpm but that doesn't count any more.
Nothing wrong with pipe dreams IMO. I sent the info to you at your website email. If you have any problems, let me know and I'll be glad to help. There is also a users forum on depoman and stenovations has a small forum group. I'm outta here for today & I hope you enjoy your evening playing!!
I will try all of the above, and thanks.
You may contact me at if you have any questions.

Greta Duckett


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