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Some of my favorite apps are:
Backgammon (the AI is pretty easy to beat, at least in the free version)
California Traffic Report
Citibank (make transfers and payments)
Facebook (keeps you up to date with all your pals)
FastFood (tells you where the nearest fast food place is)
Flixster (easily shows movies or theaters near you)
Lifecards (turns pictures into postcards that can be emailed)
Ms. PAC-MAN (oh, yes, just like the original)
OpenTable (make reservations and get points/cash back)
Pandora (great music jukebox)
SelfPortrait (has a timer)
Shazam (tells you what music is playing on the radio or wherever you are)
Where (tells you what's close to you - Starbucks, gas stations, movies, Yelp, museums, Yellow Pages, mountain ranges, constellations)
Questions, Lisa:
1. How is FreeWiFi? Shouldn't the phone automatically find the nearest WiFi?
2. Is Frogger just like the original? Ms. PAC-MAN is. It's amazing!
3. What's IWant, Gotta Go, ISpoof, Cycorder?
Sometimes I feel like the only person out there not playing Mafia Wars!!

Ralph Lauren
eBay - having this with me all the time, possible not the best idea in the world! ;)
Biggest Brain - addictive brain game!
Movie Quiz
S&D Training
Brain Tuner
Four Free
Tic Tac Free
Bejewled 2
Tracker Lite - DHL, Fed Ex etc
Trailers Int - movie trailers
Shazam - song identifier!
London Tube
iXpenselt - budgeting tool
Colorsplash - photo editing
This one's sort of like Bubblewrap -- something fun to do when you're bored, and perhaps you're a cat lover too?
I just got iWant -- helps you locate places close to you and will arrange them by distance, which is closest, etc.

I just got FlightTrack. Comes in handy when American changes gates and doesn't notify their own telephone person.
My favorite new feature is the copy/cut/paste feature. Love it!

I just dropped my phone, and the itty bitty vibrate/ring button above the volume buttons fell off! I'm so sad.
You know how you can just kind of keep pressing the screen about where you need to be for a correction and the cursor goes there? Well, it's similar with the copy/paste. A little pop-up menu comes up asking if you want to copy, cut, or paste. I haven't fully figured it out myself yet but was able to do it somehow.
It's a sad day. :). I'm teasing you because my iPhone just stopped working. I was without it for at least two days last year. A friend suggested I reboot it. It worked. My husband said it had stopped working due to overuse. lol

Well, anyway, I really missed it. I was having iPhone withdrawals.
Have you tried the Google free apps?
Google Maps
SayWhere -- helps you find a place just by talking to it.
Google 411
MailDash (can put in macros to send an e-mail reply when you don't have time to write it all out)
ReadleDocs to be able to send files to iPhone or e-mail attachments
VoiceThis (call numbers in your address book by voice)
WP Maker -- makes desktop pics for your background for the iPhone
PASSWORD- if phone stolen, can delete and/or locate phone from any computer
Voice Memos
AOL Radio
iTalk (I used this in a pinch to make a recording on a job when my computer failed and didn't have spare batteries for my digital recorder with me. Burns up the battery, but I had a portable/cordless battery charger I popped on)
Audible (for listening to books via my car stereo)
I just got these:

Coffee Finder
Post Office
Tip Calculator
iTalk saved my booty the other day. Both the CF and SD cards in my Stylus failed me when my machine and laptop froze up, and I lost the last five minutes of testimony. Luckily, I had iTalk recording as a backup. My machine and laptop froze up because I was using a 4GB CF card in my Stylus and it can only handle a 2 GB card. So now I always bring my USB cable for my iPhone and run iTalk to record the proceedings as a backup.

Oh, and I love the Backgammon app. Doesn't really help me with work, other than to unwind after a hard day, of course.
Is there an application that you can tell the location of the person you're talking to? Don't know if the other person has to have an iPhone, too?

Anybody heard of an app like this? I may not be saying it exactly right.


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