I'm adding this here because I figure it is the best place.

Ever wonder about whether a word is capitalized or gone into common usage and no longer capitalized? Or did you realize something was capitalized that you hadn't before?

Well, if you've come to a sudden epiphany, feel free to share it here. (Random aside - don't you just love the word epiphany?)

Kleenex - still capped, brand name

BlackBerry - I did not realize until recently the second B in BlackBerry was capped. Also, I think bec. it's a brand name the plural would be BlackBerrys as opposed to BlackBerries. I could be wrong on the plural, please let me know gently if I'm having a mental hiccup.

Internet - as my friend Jeanese would say, Internet is special and it gets an initial cap.

Duck tape versus duct tape - Mary O'Brien is the person who originally brought this to my attention.
If any of you have a sudden epiphany, please share.

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Walmart - used to be Wal-Mart, but has now married into one word per their website. :)

craigslist is uncapped.

I'm sure I'll think of more later. :)
Christi, had to look up Walmart because I did not know that and I found this on their website:

"Founded in 2000, Walmart.com brings the convenience, great merchandise selection, friendly service
and Every Day Low Prices of your neighborhood Wal-Mart to the Internet."

"New logo adopted by Walmart Stores U.S. "

"Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT)"

So looks like Walmart can be done either way and be right.

Duck is one of the leading companies that makes duct tape.
I've changed to Walmart because of the way they use it for the stores. We're usually dealing with someone going to Walmart as opposed to dealing with the corporate headquarters.

BlackBerrys is correct.


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