I went to the website (getacourtreportingjob) - or something like that. This is an ad I found.
They want an ATTRACTIVE person to work on the glamorous profession of lawyers, doctors and judges. I thought it was bad enough with attorneys hiring secretaries based on looks. Well, since I am 50, and average looking, I guess I won't apply.

Salary: N/A / Yearly Location: Dallas, TX
Type: Full-Time Zip Code: 75201

We are seeking an attractive, dependable, detail oriented and highly organized Learn to be a Digital Court Reporter. Excellent Pay! Equipment & Training Provided Part-time - Full-time Be a part of the glamorous profession of Lawyers, Doctors & Judges! Computer knowledge and keyboard skills a must.

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One of the digital reporters in Louisville was touted to have broken down in tears in the middle of a med-mal case. The attorneys apparently sent emails to each other to never use this reporter again. From the testimonials I heard, the subject matter wasn't altogether very sensitive either, but the plainiff's attorney lapped it up, noting for the record her uncontrollable tears and the need for a break.

I guess the speech about being fair and impartial and an unbiased third party wasn't included in the "Here's where you push record" training seminar.
This is a good reason NOT TO HAVE digital reporters. One of the things learning to write steno teaches us is to be tough. That digital reporter lacked the skills in toughness, demeanor, grace, and education (medical terminology, experience) - that you don't get from pushing a button.

I know attorneys want "cute little things", but business comes before pleasure.
It was a doctor's depo, to boot, not the parent of a dead child, not the husband who has lost a wife, not the litigant who describes their loss.

When I interned, I took the parents' depo where a child had died on the operating table. I had enough sense about me not to cry or show emotion. It was hard not to internalize their emotion. I asked the reporter who was mentoring me that day, "How do you deal with this kind of stuff?" She told me she puts her mind elsewhere, like on her grocery list and the trip she'll be making after work. Good advice. Cry on the way home.
After reading this a couple times, I started to laugh. That's funny.
"glamorous" lawyers, doctors and judges? LOL! who are they trying to kid?


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