I took an Argentinian doctor's depo the other day, and neither my scopist nor I can figure out what on earth he's saying here. Here's the dialogue:
Q Has that name ever been on your passport?
A Yes, it has.
Q Then can you please explain how that name came to be on your passport?
A That's a Paraguayan passport. And in Paraguay the passports must contain the mother's name.
Q In your case, you use the mother's name on your passport?
A In the [pass-mareez], that's what they do. It's not my option.
Q All right. What is your citizenship, sir?
A Of -- I am a citizen of Paraguay.
Q And where do you live?
A I live in Argentina.
"In Italy, you start with the kindergarten. Then you have five years of elementary school. Then you have three years of -- let's call superior. Then you have five years of [lissay]. Then you have four five years of university depending on your performance."
Hello to my Spanish speaking colleagues. A word came up in a depo that means "F'ing white girl." It starts with a "P", something sounding like pinsuela. Anybody heard of this?