I am in Los Angeles, have been reporting for almost 20 years, and I was always taught and have always tried to sit at the head of the table, with the witness on one side of me and the questioning atty on the other side, directly across from the witness. Then the wit's atty sits on the other side of him or her. No one ever questions it and almost always will seat themselves that way if I'm not there first (which is rare). Anyway, I did a depo the other day for two attys from Texas and they were expecting the witness to sit at the head of the table, it seemed. I've never even thought of doing it any other way except once in a while with a video where due to the placement of the table, they need the wit at the head of the table, in which I case I sit on one side of the wit and the questioning atty sits on my other side.
What is the traditional setup where you live? Is it different? I'm just very curious to see what is the custom, if there is one, in other places.