I am currently using an older version of RealLegal's Publisher bundle. I'm not satisfied with the software and would prefer not to have to do their monthly subscription setup. It's nothing against RealLegal, I just prefer to own my software. (And, yes, according to RealLegal, their new subscription software does what I want my old software to do.)

Does anybody know what other video/transcript syncing software there is currently out there? I want a program that you can jump around in the transcript and the video will follow your jumps throughout the tript. The version I'm using now does not allow you to jump throughout the tript.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Check out Bundler from Clarity Legal Software. It's a free download for court reporters. Not sure if it does exactly what you want, you'll have to check it out and see. If you want to call them to make sure, ask for John Callis. He spent forever on the phone with me answering my questions when this product first came out. Super nice guy.

If it does turn out to be what you're looking for, please come back and let us know it works out.

Thanks, Deborah. I'll look into it.

Hi Judy:
Our agency has stopped using all RealLegal products since the owner of RealLegal, Thomson Reuters, owns
a competing court reporting agency, West Court Reporting. Every etranscript you give your clients has a link,
albeit indirectly, to West Court Reporting website. It's a no-brainer to me. PDF is the standard anyway.

Now as to video synching software, we upload transcript and video MPEG's to YesLaw and have them synch
video to transcript for us. I have been told they do it outside the U.S., but their product is good and cost
is reasonable. Website is http://www.yeslawdvd.com/ if you want to take a peak.

I tried some of the do-it-yourself synching softwares - never had much luck and way too labor intensive. I'm interested to see other responses you get.


I hear you about RealLegal. Maybe it's time to make a change.

I found a company http://www.synchronvideo.com/ that does video syncing for 15.50 per video hour. I sent them a six-hour video & ASCII yesterday afternoon and it's already finished. I have yet to download it and see the quality. The people are as nice as can be.

Do you have any idea what YesLaw charges per video hour? I'd be interested to know that. I couldn't find it on their website.

I have an old version of RealLegal's Publisher and I've been successful on one-hour depos, but the first long job was a difficult task to complete. I didn't realize you could upload everything and they'd do the work for you and then you get it back via the computer too. Pretty cool. No down time for shipping, etc.

And, not to mention, with RealLegal's Publisher, it's still going to cost me $10 per video hour because I have to buy syncing hours. And that's when I own the software and am doing ALL of the work. $15.50 is a no-brainer.

Deborah, I did go to Clarity's site and they do the same thing as above (send them everything and they do the work) at $25 per video hour.

Maybe if all goes well with synchronvideo, I'll tell them to come over here and advertise their services, and Karen can tell YesLaw and Deborah can tell Clarity to do the same. That way people that need this service can come here and have a selection of companies.

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I know my transcripts get run through this program (DepoView) by one of the agencies here in town. They loaded it on one of my laptops so I can proof my synced transcript with VIDEO audio.


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