Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site, and this is my first time posting anything here. I got a postcard in the mail a week or so ago for Dictionary Jumpstart offering special. It looks to be like a really good special(I'm not really sure what other dictionary programs are going for or if there are any out there), and I was curious if anyone has used or used anything from Dictionary Jumpstart? And if so, what are your thoughts for a student in the 2nd year, about to be starting thier internship soon.

I appreciate any feedback,

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There were other comments here about Dictionary Jumpstart. I went to the website. For starting a new dictionary, I thought it was expensive. You already have a dictionary started, don't you? Brief Encounters has a CD with a dictionary for specialized depos (asbestos, engineers, cardio). If you don't have a dictionary started, DigitalCat Student has it easy to start. You can also buy a dictionary CD from Startran(?) school for $50.00.
Thanks Mary Jo.

Yes, I do already have a dictionary started....I'm at 37920 entries...and that's after deleting my dictionary early in September. I was just more or less looking at it from the standpoint of building my dictionary because I know you can never have enough entries in your dictionary.

Are Brief Encounters and the Startran(?) universal or are they specific for different CAT programs? I'm currently using the student version of Case CATalyst 4.

Thanks again for your input!
Startran is a court reporting school. Their dictionary is a started base word thing - so forget that.

I just went to the Amazon.com website. Brief Encounters is written by Lori or Lauri Bouche. Looks like she has three brief books. Go to www.amazon.com - Books, type in Brief Encounters. You can get a lot more information there. If you get the books, be sure you get the ones with the CD's.

Also, do a search here on csr nation for Brief Encounters (if you can).
Hi, Carrie. I looked at your profile to see what software you use. I have Eclipse, but Case and Eclipse have many of the same features. My software has a dictionary building feature, where I can import any list in ASCII format and then write the steno to each word. There is free software on the internet that can convert any document to ASCII format. So, if you were to convert, say, SAT-test vocabulary into ASCII format, you could add those words rather quickly to your dictionary (FREE). I picked that example because at almost 40,000 words, you have all the basics covered.

Thanks Mary Jo and Tami!

I'll be looking into your suggestions.

Tami, I didn't know that Catalyst did that...I'll have to look that up...never heard of that feature, but I like it!....



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