Reporters and scopists in Las Vegas need Total Eclipse training?  I will be in your area November 20-27 providing one-on-one and small group sessions.  Email with questions and available appointment times.

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Will you be in Southern California? I am new to scoping and would like to know where I can get software training.
I live in San Diego (Oceanside) and I also up in Orange County (Cypress) on Fridays.  Feel free to contact me.  858-967-7599 or

Wow!  Next time I need help, I'll get in touch with you.  I also live in Oceanside (South O).

Judy Runes

Hi Judy,

I'm the one who asked Linda if she trains in Orange County. Are you a scopist? I was wanting to know if there is work out there before I invest in software. I use to be a scopist several years ago on Xscribe. Any information you can give me would be helpful.

Thank you,


Donna, I'm a reporter that covers the San Diego/Orange County area.  Sorry I can't help you.

Hi, Linda. 

You helped set up my computer and I am having a problem with the USB martel mic I was hoping you could help me troubleshoot.  Martel gave me instructions, but that is exactly how you set it up, so maybe you can let me know your thoughts.


thank you.

What type of problems are you having?


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