Hello all. Sorry, but this is a copy of the last post from Janet's page. I'm still getting used to the different forums. 

I was wondering if anyone has advice on a digital recorder.  I am currently  a student at a pretty low speed and want to try a different approach to my practice.  I am interested in the kind that can adjust the speed-level, but the only ones that I've seen so far is an option for slow and fast.  Is there any that have a more detailed speed adjustment?  Thank you all.

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You stated you are at a low speed?  Maybe I'm thinking too much, but I'm really getting the feeling you want instant results. You will succeed through time, practice, different types of practice, clean writing at a little push speed.  If you keep at it, you will eventually succeed.


Aside from that, all the reporters I work with, we all have a SONY cassette, two speed.  It has the speed control.  I just ordered two more through Amazon, for about $30.00.  If you buy them through Martel, they are $100.00.

Thank you so much Mary Jo for your imput.  And your right, I am a bit impatient and want to see faster results in a field that just takes time and a lot of practice.  It's because I am excited.  I am doing my schooling online from home, so while it is a huge benefit to be at home with my children, it is also more difficult because I have to be my own instructor in a field that I am inexperienced at.  If you have any suggestions on practice routines I'd greatly appreciate it.  I don't want to bog you down too much, but knowing that you're a reporter and have already passed that finish-line encourages me to ask you.  I really do have such a great respect for all of the reporters out there.

Thank you.

I suggest you go to the website for Simply Steno. You can buy practice material (digital MP3's) dirt cheap.  He also has a speed control thing you can buy separately ($40?).

if you have the digital files, put the files on your computer and play them through Expresscribe or a software such as that.  It allows you to increase or decrease the speed of a recording.  I wouldn't think you'd need a recorder while in school, just something to play files on, so the software would work for you.  However, when you do get out of school, get a digital recorder.  The recording is so much more crisp than a cassette recorder.  Cassettes are harder and harder to find, and that system is antiquated, IMO.  You want the most current equipment you can get.

Thank you, ladies.

Rhonda is right about those cassettes.  Are you using software?  DigitalCat has student software.  Buy the RPR/MR Study Guide (about $15.00 through NSRA).  You can also buy a digital recorder off Amazon (USB) for $30.00.  Be sure to check out Simply Steno.  Don't overdo it on using the same practice material over and over and over because it becomes automated and you won't get much benefit from it.

I do have DigitalCat.  I will definately look in to the student software.  Thank you. 

Hi, Cristal.  It looks like you've gotten the advice you need, but it's definitely, not definately.   (A huge pet peeve of mine when I read things on the internet)

You sound very conscientious so I know you will do well.  Best of luck with your practice sessions. 

I graduated from court reporting school in 1981.  We didn't have computers, CAT, digital (the microwave and the Mr. Coffee were still new and very expensive).  You need to buy a paperback dictionary.  Use it.  It will teach you a whole lot more than just how to spell.  I went to school in Michigan.  I didn't have a backpack.  I went through a lot of those paperback dictionaries because they fell apart.

Thank you, ladies.  I actually do respect and need corrective critisism.

I have a paperback dictionary.  When I worked for law firms I always had one at my desk.  I have my paperback dictionary on my home desk - always within reach.  I am now 55.  I will have a dictionary within reach until I no longer have a use for it.

This is probably going to sound really silly, but I'm going to ask it anyway.  I've found my paperback dictionary, and have been thinking about what you've said since I read your post. My question is, what are the different ways that you use it.  I know that it is used for spelling and  how to use the words in a sentence, and what type of word (noun, verb, adjective,etc.) it is.  This question might make some laugh, but if I'm going to make it in this field, then I'll need to master English, which happens to be my weak point in school.  But I'm motivated to overcome this, and do not want to leave any stone uncovered.  You sound very sure of your dictionary, and I'm interested in your information.  Thank you.


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