So after my depo yesterday I had the LightSpeed rep in the San Fran/Bay Area (Lori Stokes) meet me at my agency's office to show me the new writer.  She walks in with her very thin, light computer and this LS.  She says that's all she brings to a job unless, of course, it's RT and then she brings some iPads.

I've pulled my back out twice now lifting what seems about 70 pounds of equipment in my car.  I have my Diamante, one regular laptop and three netbooks, plus Stenocast, etc.

Anyway, I was so impressed with what little Lori brings to a job, that I'm going to try to do the same.  I'm hoping I can write proficiently on the LS.  I bought the machine five years ago and didn't have any luck.  This time I'm hoping it will be different.  I just need to do something different because of the strain on my body after almost 30 years of writing.

Lori uses Live Depo, which I had not heard of.  I was wondering if anyone has any more information about this service?  I know it costs about $200, which is cheap.  I download it to iPads from iTunes.  Not sure where I buy the router.  

Any ideas anyone has as to streamlining all this equipment and making life a little easier, I'm all ears.

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When I had the Lightspeed, I loved carrying it and the way my body felt after a day of writing on it.  I just went in and out of having decent untran rates with it.  It did not seem to hold adjustments for me and I didn't feel there was adequate training or instruction anywhere on how to really adjust the keys well.  I gave up.  Plus, you have no back up on the writer except the little SD card of your notes (at least with the older model I had).  If your laptop goes down, no screen.

I do have a good setup for jobs.  I use this bag for my Diamante and laptop:

But I attempted to buy a new one because mine was looking beat up and they are making the pull up handle more flimsy so I returned it.  Am looking for a replacement.  I made my own inside padding for this case to hold the Diamante and accessories.  Then I put my laptop cords, microphones and other accessories in a smaller cloth briefcase that I put on top of this rolling case to roll it to a job.  I don't have to lift such one big heavy thing out of the car all at once.  Now, I am not carrying extra laptops or Stenocast.

Thanks for posting that, Kerry.  I didn't order that case but ordered another one on Amazon.  I use two cases and put the Diamante padding in the top case.  The top case has a strap to hook on to the handle of the bottom case.  My problem is that I've made the top case too heavy and it constantly falls over.  

This case looks like I can fit almost everything in it:


That case looks nice, thanks.  They seem to be making the pull up handles much more flimsy, I guess to save money.  But they are a bit too flimsy I feel for our machines.

I wish I could lighten up my load also.  Following so I hope I get some good tips.

I've used LiveDepo before for streaming over the internet to attorneys.  Instead of LiveNote stream, some firms seem to only use LiveDepo now.  It works very well.  I talked a few weeks ago with Steve Genter, I believe he owns the company.  We talked a little about his $200 fee for the year supply realtime to attorneys via netbooks or iPads, and I'm seriously considering it.  Right now I pay over $200 a year for my CVNet license with stenograph.  The only thing you should know with the LiveDepo software for realtime, it will not refresh as CaseCAT and Eclipse does.  Steve e-mailed me information about it.  If you want me to e-mail it to you, Kelli, let me know.

I really like that refreash feature, I must admit.  It's very cool.  Thanks, Lynette.  I think I'll wait till 2014.  I'll get the Lightspeed dialed in first, then get a super light computer, a couple of pounds, and then get those both dialed in and then go from there.  Baby steps.  

I use LiveDepo, and I can't speak to the refresh feature on CaseCAT, but I am on Eclipse, and mine does refresh. 

Kelli, the router comes with the system.  I will have to bring it and show it to you one day when we are both in the City for work.

It is $200 for the router, and then it is $100 per year for support/updates.  It works great!!

I am on case but I am only going by what the company told me, which it will not refresh on the attorneys' computers. I think I will call and find out.

Yeah, that would be good to know.  Lori has a great little system set up.  I just bought her laptop this morning too.  Super lightweight.  With a LS and lightweight ASUS, that should lighten the load for me and my strained back alone.  

Today my husband was putting my equipment in my car ans said, "No wonder your back hurts all the time; this equipment is super heavy."  He works out every day and lifts tons of weight at the gym.  It has to be heavy if he says that.  

My LightSpeed was shipped today.  Woohoo.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.  I also bought a computer that only weighs two pounds.  Those two things alone should make a big difference.

Can you post what laptop you bought that only weighs two pounds (!!!!) and the LightSpeed model - is it the brand new one?  k, thanks, Kelli!

and Happy New Year to you!

I bought the ASUS Zenbook "used" on eBay.  I bought a new one on Amazon for 1200 but it was defective and had to send it back.  The used one works great and half the price.  Here is the link:

Yes, I bought the new LightSpeed.  I took it out for the second time today.  Granted, I'm not writing as clean as I used to with the Diamante, but it will take a little time I think.  Here is a picture.

Kelli, which software do you use, CC or Eclipse?  How is the audio on this ASUS?  Thanks.


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