Hello Everyone,

I just returned to reporting four months ago after a five-year break from it. I don't remember how I would handle this in a depo. Attorney keeps saying, "Would you mark that, Ms. Reporter?" What do I do?? I asked my agency and they have no idea!! Anyway, do I put it in the Index page as questions marked, page and line numbers? That's kind of what I'm remembering as to how I used to handle that, but I don't really know for a fact. It's just been a really long time. Thanks!!

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Ann, the times that this happened to me as a reporter, which were only a couple in 11 years, the attorney just wanted me to mark the spot as I was writing so he could refer back to it for some reason during the depo. I didn't put anything on the index page about it. I would probably have asked the hiring attorney after the depo just exactly how he/she wanted that handled. I would say he was just having you mark it in case he needed to have you refer back to it for him.
Your memory is serving you well. You put a section in the index titled, "Marked Question." Underneath that, you have two columns. One is headed "Page" and the other "Line Number."

I do have a problem with the fact that the agency knows so little about transcripts that they are unable to advise you on this common and very basic transcript feature.
As Cathryn said, except I use "Identified for Counsel."
I do the same as the rest, but my index heading is "Marked on Request of Counsel."
Wow, that's all pretty interesting. I guess those few times when it happened to me I just dropped the ball on it. Sounds like there should be something on the index page about it, according to these reporter members' comments. And maybe my memory is failing me (I have had a baby since then, ha!) and I actually did note it somehow on the index page.

I hope the others were able to help you!

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Very, very helpful stuff. Thanks soo much!!!!


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