Giving reporters back their lives is more than a slogan for me, it's a reality. Our partnership will allow the busy reporter to relax at home, then return to the keys the next day, knowing that their partner in production is actively working to turn out that perfect transcript.

I offer fresh eyes to read the notes and translation, unrelenting research and an insistence that everything be done the right way. My goal is to make you, the reporter, the best in the business.

I'm currently open to take on one or two reporters to develop a long-term working relationship with. If you're interested, you can learn more about me at and give me a call or drop me an email at scopist at

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello Faye,

Can we brainstorm here? I like your slogan and have often used it with the addition of One Page At A Time. However, I would like my own slogan to put on a business card. Any suggestions?
Well, I operate under the concept that I'm partnering with the reporter to produce the best transcripts possible. Maybe there's something there. Mine came out of the analysis of what I can do for the reporter. By me being the one to read through the transcript after translation, The reporter gets to go back home to their family and have dinner with them and even get to see their children grow up. That's my goal. To partner with them so that they have a life and I do too.

I don't know if that helps, but maybe it will start the juices flowing!
How does "Partnering with Court Reporters to achieve exceptional transcripts" sound?
LONG... :-P That seems more like a mission statement. Perhaps just the Partnering with Court Reporters -- I don't know... ultimately, it's up to you. Maybe we should ask a few of the reporters here.. if they saw that, what would it say to them?
Thanks. I thought it was a bit long too.


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