I did a doctor depo that went into the evening. The depo was noticed by a hearing rep, but a lawyer from the firm actually took the depo, he was just observing. Also in attendance was the applicant's attorney. Throughout the entire depo they were refering to two doctor reports, so at break I told the attorney I was going to need a copy of the reports for spelling, and she said she would give me a copy.
At the conclusion we were discussing what exhibits I still needed, and also the copy of the reports. The hearing rep jumps in and says they're not exhibits, we don't release them, blah, blah, blah. I then start to explain the reason why I needed them, but the applicant attorney, along with the attorney from hearing rep's firm, said that I could have them, I just needed them for spellings. Well, hearing rep had to make the copies at the doctor's office, which he seemed really upset over because it was an old copy machine and he had to copy one at a time (he was very, very pissy), so I suggested that he colud e-mail them to me, and both hearing rep and attorney agreed.
Low and behold I get an e-mail this morning from the firm I worked for stating now the job's an expedite (okay, no big deal) and due to patient confidentiality the hearing rep said he could not give me the doctor's reports, if I had any questions he would help me. Since when did he get to overrule the applicant's attorney and the attorney from his office? I don't know about other reporters, but we always are marking as exhibits a patient's entire file and bringing home with us.
I'm debating on calling the applicant's attorney and just asking for him to send to me. I did tell my firm I was going to do that and they said do what I want, or I might just hold off until I'm done and do my own internet research for the proper spellings and/or names of authors, but why make my job more difficult when I could have just looked at the report, especially now that it's an expedite? Or another thing I could do is get his e-mail and e-mail him all the names I need spellings of and also cc both attorneys hoping that perhaps the attorney in hearing reps office will ask him how come he didn't send to me.
What is everyone else's opinion?
Another thing that was kind of funny, we were on break and the lawyer from his firm was talking with the doctor, he comes running in saying "We should go back on the record since the doctor is testifying." Attorney from his firm said he wasn't testiying, they we're just talking. Attorney also had to motion to him during the depo every time he talked not to talk. I guess he felt he was above everybody else and it was his depo. As you can see I'm pretty livid with this person's attitude.