Calling Scopists, Proofreaders, and Voice Writer Scopists/transcriptionists

Calling Scopists, Proofreaders, and Voice Writer Scopists/transcriptionists

A group of scopists, proofreaders, and transcriptionists have decided to become pioneers in our field by offering the first convention for scopists, proofreaders, and transcriptionists.

We believe that it will benefit our industry if we can meet others in our field and learn more about our profession. So we're inviting all scopists, proofreaders, and voice writer scopists/transcriptionists to join us on a cruise.

Newbies, this is a great chance to pick the brains of veterans and learn more about this industry you've chosen as your profession.

Veterans, this is a great chance to mentor newbies, build your industry's profession, and network with others in your field.

In order to make this as feasible as possible, and since this is our first attempt at such an undertaking, the seminars will be fairly informal round-table discussions concerning subjects like punctuation, job expectations, etc. There will be no specific CAT program seminars for this convention; however, we do have a scopist speaker that will discuss remote scoping. The seminars are offered at no charge. The only cost for the trip will be the cost of travel to and from the port of departure and the cruise itself, plus any excursions or extras that you choose to do.

We have booked with Carnival Cruise Lines. Please join us on Feb. 22, 2009, when we sail on the Sensation for four days to the Bahamas. We have a limited number of cabins reserved for this convention, so don't wait too long to join us!

The prices for the cruise are $376 for an inside cabin and $416 for an outside cabin. The prices are based on two people to a cabin and include all taxes and gratuities. The prices are guaranteed with a nonrefundable $25 deposit by March 13, 2008.

Upgraded cabins are available at a higher charge and require $150
nonrefundable deposit per person by March 13, 2008. The basic suite is $776 and the Penthouse suite is $876. These prices are also based on two people to a cabin and include all taxes and gratuities.

By October 20, 2008, $150 per person is required toward the cost of the cruise. The balance is due by December 20, 2008.

Trip insurance will run anywhere from $24 to $40, depending on your age, for the basic cabins. Trip insurance will run anywhere from $36 to $64, depending on your age, for a suite. The age range is up to 75 years of age. Anyone 76 and older will have a higher trip insurance cost.

Port transfers are available through the travel agency, as well as flights, but you're allowed to find your own transportation to the departure port of Port Canaveral as well. Passports are required for this trip, and the trip must be booked under your proper first and last name as it will appear on the passport.

After March 13, 2008, people can still sign up to go, but the prices are no longer guaranteed to match the prices listed above.

If you're not bringing your spouse or a guest to share your cabin, we will have an online site we have set up where you can converse with others that need a roommate.

To ask questions about the cruise or to find a roommate, please join
To book your cruise, please contact any of the following people:

Karen Jones at "kjones1951 at yahoo dot com"
Angie Ryder at "aryder at knology dot net"
Rachel Kurtz at "rachel at rachkurtz dot com"
Peggy Linhorst at "lynnlin02 at yahoo dot com"

We'd love to have you join us on the first PSCG Convention ever!

Thank you!
The Professional Scopists Convention Group

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Replies to This Discussion


I am a court reporter. I have spoken to many steno transcribers who tell me that they will work with any preferences I have only to return a work product that is not very good. When I ask them what happened, they tell me that they work for many people and don't have time to even "look" at what I might be pointing out is not done correctly. I have very few preferences. This is a rampant problem and many seasoned court reporters will not use any outside help because the stress this provokes is not worth it.

Further, time and again I have asked a transcriber/scopist to send a sample of their work product first before I invest my time giving a job to someone. No one will ever send me anything. If I went to a court reporting agency seeking employment and the owner requested that I send a sample of my work and I refused, I would not be getting any work from that agency.

I am a very nice and friendly individual. Instead of being defensive, I think it is really important for scopists and transcribers to understand the court reporter's point of view and work as a team.

I would be happy to come to your group and give a talk about this very important topic. I live in Los Angeles.

Thank you.

I am a scopist and I have worked for the Supreme Court Reporters at 60 Centre Street for 15 years. When I first started (we have 60 reporters) the reporters let me know how they like their transcripts and what their preferences are. It is a little tough for a scopist who works for many people to keep up with preferences but you get used to it. My rule of thumb, if this helps anyone, is scopists should definitely look at their court reporter's corrections and make sure they are nmot making mistakes, and if so learn from them. No one should take on so much work or so many reporters that they can't do the work properly. Also, every reporter and scopist who work together should try to have a good rapport and a good working relationship so they can work as a team.
Carol Knapp
I am a retired court reporter who owned and operated a freelance business for 30 years. I am now working as a scopist due to the economy and the fact I now live in Florida; my business was in Mississippi. I would very much appreciate the opportunity for more work and would be glad to send a "sample" of a depo I have scoped or do a very short one for you to check out. I have absolutely no problem with your wanting to know my capabilities.

Does anyone need a scopist or transcriptionist??? Please feel free to contact me at 863-427-1199.
I've been a scopist/transcriptionist for about five years and I find what you're describing as your experience(s) with many scopists just appalling. I always try to work very closely with my reporter clients to scope their transcripts according to their personal and professional preferences. That's not to say that I always get everything exactly the way the reporter wants it, but I always welcome constructive feedback and try to learn from my mistakes. It usually takes a few jobs before I encounter the majority of the various preferences a reporter has stipulated, but I scope the transcripts with the reporter's preference sheet at hand until I feel confident that I know his/her style and preferences.

I hope you have found a competent scopist during the months since you posted that message. But if not, I would be more than happy to scope 10 or 15 pages of a transcript for you free of charge as a sample of my work. Any scopist/transcriptionist worth her/his weight, would never refuse to produce a sample product for a potential client if they're serious about their work and are interested in a good, long-term working relationship with a professional reporter.

Hope to hear from you SJ, whether you've found a scopist you can work with or not!

Did the convention take place on 2/22? If so, let the rest of us who weren't able to go know how it went!!

Hello Deanie,

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that this invitation was left hanging out there. I'm sorry to report that, no, the cruise did not take place. The core planners put a lot of effort into coordinating all of the events of the cruise, and we would have had a grand time, I'm sure. What a great way to learn and grow in our business, make new friends and renew old friendships. . . all while enjoying the benefit of the cruise experience. So many of us who stay in touch through networking and our involvement with the various boards were looking forward to the opportunity of meeting each other as well.

In the later part of 2008, some of the scopists who had signed up were not able to go on the cruise after all for one reason or the other. Life happens sometimes! Sometimes we just have to switch gears to address priorities. Unfortunately, we did have to cancel the cruise eventually.

I am only one of many scopists who hope we can work it out to put that original idea of a cruise back on the table and reorganize and make it happen one day in the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Angie Ryder and Karen Jones for the many long hours they put forth in the developing, planning, and ongoing coordinating of the cruise. I was only one of the helper bees and who just happened to place the announcement here on CSRnation.

Thanks your interest,

Darlene MacDowell
Absolute Transcripts


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