Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR
  • Female
  • Plainfield, NJ
  • United States
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Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR's Friends

  • Corri Rene' - Huseby Inc
  • Irrissa Spann
  • Angelia Bell
  • Dominick Tursi
  • Lucas Transcription Services
  • Saniya C. Youngblood
  • Michelle Cox
  • Jennie Ann
  • Dawn Kellum
  • Sinéad O'Shea
  • Anthony D. Frisolone
  • Courtney Shaw
  • Sandra Daniels
  • Montrell Vann,  RMR, RDR, CRR
  • Tami

Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR's Groups

Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR's Discussions

Alabama Certification

I would like to become certified in Alabama. I have my CSR in NY and GA, as well as my RPR. Would I still need to take the test to become certified in Alabama, or do they have reciprocity?If I am…Continue

Started Dec 3, 2009


Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR's Page

Latest Activity

Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR left a comment for Kelli Combs (admin)
"Hi Kelli, I am a court reporter and I paid for the Los Angeles cover depos, which says court reporters pay a one-time fee, but it says my subscription has expired.  Is there anything I need to do to correct this?  Thank you."
Oct 23, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Los Angeles)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group. Areas include Ventura County, and surrounding areas.See More
Sep 17, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined H & S Court Reporting's group
Jul 12, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Pamela Owen (BOSS Reporters)'s group
Jul 12, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR updated their profile
Jul 11, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Detroit & The Lower Peninsula , Michigan)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Northeast Pennsylvania)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.Northeast PA (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area and other surrounding areas)See More
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Philadelphia area)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group. (Philadelphia area, South Jersey, Delaware)
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Central, PA)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Northern Louisiana)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.Shreveport and MonroeSee More
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Southwestern Louisiana)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group. Lafayette, Lake Charles, Morgan CitySee More
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Central and Southwest Louisiana)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.New Orleans, Covington, Slidell, Houma, Morgan City, Baton Rouge, Hammond, AlexandriaSee More
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga Tennessee)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.(Nashville, TN & surrounding counties)See More
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Alaska)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Phoenix, AZ)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.
Jun 28, 2023
Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Portland, Eugene, Bend, Oregon)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.(Portland Metro, Willamette Valley, Columbia River Gorge, and Northern Oregon Coast)See More
Jun 28, 2023

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
New Jersey
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 9:01 on January 6, 2010, Sandra Daniels said…
Hi Charisse, Congrats on you CRR (I'm not sure what the "F" is for -- forgive me.) I've been away from this site for a while, that's why you'r just hearing from me. I will be in touch.
At 12:46 on December 11, 2009, Montrell Vann, RMR, RDR, CRR said…
Hey, Charisse! Congratulations, Ms. FCRR!!!!!
At 14:49 on December 3, 2009, Jennie Ann said…
Hi, Charisse. I tried to respond to your discussion about Alabama certification, but I couldn't find anywhere to respond in the thread.

So I am responding here. Check out the Alabama Court Reporters Association.

Here is the link:

There may be some good answers to your question about certification in Alabama. Good luck to you. I like a gal who is ambitious! :-)
At 10:46 on November 3, 2009, Saniya C. Youngblood said…
Congratulations! I really admire those that strive for bigger and better things.
At 8:15 on November 2, 2009, Saniya C. Youngblood said…
how many years have you been a certified realtime writer? That is certainly my goal.
At 7:29 on November 2, 2009, Sinéad O'Shea said…
At 13:46 on October 26, 2009, Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR said…

Welcome to CSRnation!

You have joined the largest social network of court reporters on earth.

First things first! To receive job offers directly to your email inbox from agencies nationwide, please opt-in to your local "Cover Depo" by doing the following:

1- Click here
2- Click on the "red dot" closest to your city
3- Click on "Join Group"
That's it. You're done!

If you are looking for a scopist, a proofreader or a transcriptionist, check out the classified section by clicking here.
You can also check out the recommended scopists and proofreaders by clicking here.

IF YOU ARE AN AGENCY and you are looking to cover a job, click here. Select the red dot in the city where you want to cover the deposition, join the group, and then send out a job offer by clicking on "send message to group."

If you have any questions, please email us at info at

Latest Activity

Troy Swezey commented on Kelli Combs (admin)'s group Proofreaders
Troy Swezey commented on Janet's page Proofreaders
Erica Field joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group
Kim Kyle commented on Janet's page Scopists
Carol Lancaster is now a member of CSRNation
GregoryEdwards LLC joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group
Newman Proofreading shared Janet's page on Facebook
Feb 24
Erica Field joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group
Feb 24
Erica Field joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group
Feb 24
Newman Proofreading commented on Janet's page Proofreaders
Feb 24
Newman Proofreading updated their profile
Feb 24
Newman Proofreading posted a status
"Hi! We are looking for new proofreaders to join our team!! Please email us with any questions"
Feb 24

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