Eclipse Version 5 Users


Eclipse Version 5 Users

This group is for Version 5 users to share what aspects of Version 5 they are using and well as requests for help as problems arise using Version 5.


I just downloaded Version 5 (a year after it came out), and I feel like I'm learning Eclipse all over again.


Would greatly appreciate input from other Version 5 users.


Members: 106
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2022

New Member

We have a new member, Linda Cook!  Welcome, Linda!  Hope this group is helpful to you.

We are now up to 99 members.  Just need one more to hit 100!!!!

Discussion Forum

Version 6 and Connection Magic

When I'm doing Connection Magic with my scopist and the attorney wants to go back a couple of hours earlier in the transcript to look at an answer or whatever, the software won't let me go past where…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Jun 18, 2015.

Jeremy has posted some fixes for issues in V6.

Courtesy of Joyce Davis:From Jeremy:I have just posted a patch in the downloads section.There are only two changes in this version to address two issues that have been reported....I would…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Oct 20, 2014.

new member 1 Reply

We have another new member, Tammi Lee!  Welcome, Tammi!Continue

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Kyung Aug 13, 2014.

Trying to find a compression level for an ASUS laptop 4 Replies

I'm having trouble finding a compression level for recording on an ASUS Q400 laptop.  I've tried high rates and low rates and they all sound the same -- barely audible on playback.Any…Continue

Started by Freddie Reppond. Last reply by Ana Dub Jun 6, 2014.

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Comment by Joyce Davis on November 6, 2011 at 8:27

Cathy, if Alt 7 is now a three-stroke global, you can change that back to two by editing the your Hyperkey keyboard.  Alt/u, Edit, Keyboard, Hyperkey, select the Alt/7 entry, click on Modify, click the down arrow under Command.  Find Macro two-stroke global, Select that, then "okay" your way back to your document.  Test it.  If it works, save your User settings under Alt/u.

While you're at it, check the performance of your other multi-stroke keys.  You can change them the same way.

Hope this helps.

Joyce Davis

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on November 6, 2011 at 7:51
Another issue I noticed is my audio file in V5 is HUGE.  Usually takes me a minute to put my audio on a thumb drive after the depo.  Now it takes about 15 to 20 minutes.  Not sure what happened there.  Everything is still the same as V4 but the audio is sort of weird.  Does that help file say anything about that?
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on November 6, 2011 at 2:46
and, welcome, Joyce, to our group!
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on November 6, 2011 at 2:45

thank you for your contribution, Joyce.  that is a good idea.  i did something similar.

didn't catch the part about searching for italics....that's really good.  I'd like to be able to identify in italics names of newspapers (at least ones that might come up more than once) and/or global same in the job.  would be nice, too, to do the same for case cites that may come up again.

Comment by Joyce Davis on November 5, 2011 at 21:22

For those of you who don't mind wading through a lot of text to find the few things that interest you, click on Help (right side of Windows menu bar at the top), then New version changes.  You'll see a Notepad file.  Jeremy logs all changes in a version from what the last version had.  It is not reader-friendly because the text runs off the page on the right-hand side.  Using the slider bar at the bottom allows you to see the text at the right, but then you have go keep sliding from one side to the other.  The fix for this:  Block copy the entire document, copy it into a Word document with normal margins, give the file a name.  You can change the color of those items that interest you.

Great way to learn the things that changed and new features. 

New feature:  You can now search for font attributes.  Suppose you used italics somewhere and you want to change it.  You can now search for it.

A lot of technical stuff to wade through, but one way to understand V5 and not be surprised when things happen.

Joyce Davis

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on November 5, 2011 at 19:16

Thanks, Christy, you have been super helpful.  You are very knowledgeable of the software and I appreciate all your help here.  Don't want you to think it has gone unnoticed. 


My scopist gave me her settings and fixed all the problems, at least so far that I can find.  I didn't have to go in and change everything.  That's why I use a scopist for everything and pay $30,000 on a scopist; I don't deal with all these editing issues.  I write RT and clean up my jobs as I go along.  When I give my jobs to my scopist, there are no untrans and a lot is cleaned up but all these fancy keys and macros, I have no clue about.  I pay someone else to deal with that.

Comment by Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR on November 5, 2011 at 16:35

So basically Jeremy's explanation is turning off auto magic use numbers option, then editing your hyperkeys to NOT have to use ALT with 7, 8 or 9 to global like you used to.

But if you want to use Version 5 as is, hit ALT and 7 together in hyperkeys where you used to just hit 7 to global.  Try and see if it works and see if you can live with it.  That way your auto magic 7 will still work in case you have the popup window coming up in a realtime job and you're editing as you go.

Comment by Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR on November 5, 2011 at 16:33

found this in the forum about how you have to use hyperkey 7, 8 & 9 to global when you upgrade to Version 5 . . . (I think basically you have to hit ALT key with 7, 8 or 9 now so that you can still choose 7, 8 or 9 as an auto magic choice.  That is the work-around.)

789 Hyperkeys

You can also turn off the View toggles/AutoMagic Use Numbers option, then go into your User settings/Edit/Keyboard/Hyperkeys and take the "Alt" out of the 789 Hyperkeys to put them back to the way they were. Of course, then you lose the ability to select the AutoMagic items easily, and you have either click them with the mouse or use Shift+Alt+number to select them.


Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on November 5, 2011 at 16:30
Am I right that to turn AM off, go to Windows, View Toggles, then under Info Bar Settings you have to uncheck the little AutoMagic box?
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on November 5, 2011 at 16:18
That's not true because I did turn AM off and they still did not work.  I had my scopist send me her settings because she went into the keyboard settings and replaced the settings that were changed and then sent it to me.  At least when I turned off AM,  the numbers were still coming up wrong.  When I say turned off, I unchecked the box.  I assume that's the same thing.  Also the Shift N is not working.  There is just a lot of stuff that has to be changed to the settings an individual reporter/scopist wants.  Advantage has taken some liberties with this upgrade.

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