Hi everyone! I've been in school now since last May. I'm in the 70-90 speed now and I get so dang nervous during testing. I come home and practice and can knock out a clean 80 dictation, but can't pass a 70 at school. Any testing technics anyone can pass along so my hands don't shake like I have parkinsons?

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Comment by Tami on February 3, 2009 at 17:10
Increase your speed ten words a minute. If you can knock out a clean 80 under no pressure, that doesn't necessarily mean you can bust out a 70 with. Try to get up to where you can knock out a 90 with no pressure. Bet that will do the trick.

I suggest you listen to a little more faster takes and try to get something down for everything. Doesn't have to be anywhere perfect. If you think you're "shattering your notes." which I personally think is a fallacy, then drop it down to your 80 and bust it out clean to show you still got it.

Good luck!

Happy Writing Short!
Comment by Katiana Ball on February 3, 2009 at 16:42
Just breathe. When I am nervous druing test, I tend to whole my breath, which affects the way my fingers move. Make an effort to breath in and out; have a steady breathing pattern.
I have several testing techniques on my website, www.ladysteno.com, that I hope can help you.
Comment by Diane Hickman on February 3, 2009 at 15:36
Do you have key pad covers on your machine? I put them on at this speed and they helped 100%. You'll pass that next test.

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