Hi everyone. I just got my results that I passed all legs of the CSR today. woo hoo!! But now I'm nervous about not being prepared. Any suggestions on essential supplies or equipment for a court reporters home office? Of course, besides the obvious like machine, laptop, software, which I already have.

All suggestions will be helpful. I want to be prepared for my first depo. : )

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Cassandra, thank you for your great advice. I think I'm starting to feel ready to go to that first depo.

The firm I plan on going to for my first depo is really good to new reporters. They won't throw me to the wolves. :) I was their receptionist for two years, and they've been plenty helpful as I've been struggling to get through school.

Thanks again everyone for all your wonderful pointers and tips!

I freelance - so this may not all apply to you. Sit out as much as possible before your first job and do your best to pretend it's your gig. Transcribe the depos with cover sheets, etc. Know your software to the point of being decently comfortable. Get some nice quality, conservative clothes, i.e., a suit. Even just one will do the trick, but looking professional will help your confidence and the impression you give others. Think calmly about the oath (including interpreter oath). It actually makes sense - it's not just a bunch of words to memorize.

AND - Fax machine, laser printer, FedEx, UPS, or USPS postal accounts or access (even just know when the places around you open and close), mailing supplies. You need GOOD ergonomics with keyboard, chair, screen placements, etc. My laptop is now docked with a separate keyboard and mouse when I work at home. Make a new email account for business correspondence. Eventually get an external hard drive or something like that for storing files.

Um...Flash/thumb drive (save your job to it before leaving the depo), post-its, pens, pencils, small stapler, mints, snacks, paper clips, binder clips, cushion or back pillow, extension cord, power strip, two-prong/three-prong adapter for those attorneys with old-school offices, exhibit stickers and tags, extra tripod and table top (if possible) in case you're in someone's office, plastic file folder or something for exhibits, cash and/or checkbook for parking. Not everyone takes credit cards. I personally don't like asking for validations - especially if it's not the office of the person that hired me. I just wait to get reimbursed.

Keep track at home - receipts, files for each job, mileage, etc. Once the checks come in - try to pay those estimated taxes. If you can do it, get liability (E&O), disability, and equipment insurance. It's all available through the NCRA.

And ALWAYS try to be half an hour early! Especially if you've never been to that office before.
Thanks. :)
Thank you! You're so encouraging.
HI, Jena.

First, a big CONGRATS for passing the CSR!

One thing I haven't seen mentioned in the batch of suggestions is a PDA.

On my (cheap and sleazy) website is an article entitled "Got Newt?", which talks about Apple's Newton MessagePad 2100. You can read about it here:


While the device was discontinued 10 years ago, there is a thriving community of users (and most importantly, developers) that both use and develop for the Newton.

Someone mentioned keeping track of when bills are due. You can use the Dates application to alert you when it's time to send out that friendly reminder!

Do you use Google Calendar? If so, your Newton can sync with your Google Calendar -- according to this posting on the Newton Talk list.

Another thing you might look into is getting yourself a GPS. This way, you can know exactly how long it will take you to get to the location of your dep ... and if the place is hard to find, a good GPS will get you right there. I'm a big fan of the (apparently discontinued) Garmin Nuvi 650: Free updates, via the internet and a USB cable, plays .mp3s either through the built-in speakers or your car's stereo, lots of voices to choose from ... nice!

Good luck out there! Do post on how that first day on the job went.

Thanks for all the great tips. I already have a GPS in the car, but a PDA is on my list.

And, yes, I'll be sure to keep you all posted on the first day.

Really good advice you've gotten here. Congratulations! I hope you let us know how your first job went. Hey, that would be another great thread to start.
My sincerest congratulations! All these helpful replies have covered just about every aspect (and more) of the concerns for a new reporter. And since you're lucky to be working for current employer, you have cleared the new agency hurdle. I would add to arrive 1/2 hr. to 45 mins. early to your jobs for set up and settle down. This is a tremendous help to clear the jitters. If for some reason you decided to work for another agency, stear clear of the ones that dock your pay for turning in your transcript after x-amount of days. You don't need that type of pressure. Good luck and my best wishes for your new career!


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