I had a depo where the attorney requested that a space be left open in the transcript for the witness to fill out whatever information was requested of him. How would I format that in my transcript?  

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When I/we have done legal document where space was left blank, there is a paragraph above stated


You would probably want something like:



I usually include "INFORMATION REQUESTED:" then add a few lines.  On the transcript index page I will indicate the page and line number of the "INFORMATION REQUESTED" .  When formatting, be sure to tab the "info request" so it's lined up with your speaker names.

(INFORMATION REQUESTED:__________________

Then in the index you put the page and line that the information requested is in the transcript. 

Thank you ladies. This was very helpful.

I have had that request over the years.  I just type a line for them to write something in something like this.

Q.   What is your address.

MR. JONES:   Leave a space in the transcript to fill in later.

(Information Requested:)_________________________________________.

Something like that. 

Thank you. I also have another question. If there is no question pending or anything during the depo and an attorney steps out of the room, no discussion is going and opposing counsel and witness are waiting for the attorney who stepped out to come back inside,is that put in the record in a blurb?  if so, what would be put? Nothng was said such as "Break taken" or "Off the record." How would a situation like that be handled? 

You could put (Mr. Jones leaves the room briefly and then returns.)  or some such blurb.   Or you could put nothing.   If it makes the record clearer put the blurb.   If it does not add clarity, you don't need to put it.

I would put (Brief pause in proceedings.)

I agree with Martha.  If it does not add clarity, don't put anything.  However, you can do as Kelli stated and indicate (Pause in the proceedings.), (Brief recess taken.), (Mr. So&So exits the room.)

Okay. Thank you very much.

You are also going to come across when the attorney that represents the witness wants to talk to his witness outside the depo room about something.  Then I put (Whereupon, the witness and counsel left the room at 10:36 a.m. and returned at 10:54 a.m.)  when you have those types of breaks.  Note:  You will have them often.  All I do is write on my writer "Left Left" and the file comes in automatically.  All I have to do is put in the time.  You might want to remember this one too because it will come in handy.

Also:  (Conversation between the witness and counsel outside the hearing of the reporter.) 

Any time you see the witness talking to his attorney when you are NOT off the record, you better have a brief for this blurb above.  The attorney that hired you expects it and you should do it.  Just a little FYI!!


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