I'm looking for a scopist.  I'm a bit new at using scoping services, and I've used a scopist twice.  I'm so backed up on work, I could use a little help.

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I have been a CSR in Texas since 1990.  I relocated to New Mexico two years ago to be near my grandson (and now have two grandsons).  So I am currently scoping instead of reporting.  I will be glad to send you my rates if you email me at lkgarr129@gmail.com.


Linda Garrison


I am a scopist.  What system are you on?  I am on Aristocat.  IF you'd like to email me, it's mstarkey@sc.rr.com.



Michele Starkey

Hi, Denise.  What software are you using?  I am on CaseCATylst.

June De Lotto

Hi June,  I completely forgot that one important piece of info -- I'm on CaseCatalyst.

Would you e-mail me your rates, turnaround times, etc.?   Are you available within the next few days?


Yes, I am available within the next few days. 

I will e-mail you my info.

ok.  thank you!

Denise Jones

Could use a little more background.  I use Eclipse.  Always looking for extra work.  Scoping for about 20 years.  Great references.


Hi Danielle,


I'm on CaseCatalyst.  i'm sorry.

That's okay!  Thanks for replying.
Hi, Denise.  I'd love to help you out - I'm on Eclipse.  Feel free to email me at scoping@darkfarm.com if you want to discuss further. 

Hello Denise,

If you're still interested in a scopist I am looking for some work.  I've been scoping for about five years.  I can give you my rates if you email me directly at jessiebrianne@hotmail.com if you're still looking.  I am on Case CAT.





I have been scoping for two and a half years now, but need more volume!

Please call me at 918-607-4464.....I would like to scope for you!


Thank you,



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