Are you still using a tape recorder? You know those funny cassette things that the videographer sometimes hands you at the end of a depo?

Why not update to a digital recorder.

I personally have an Olympus. But it's old. I'm thinking of upgrading to a newer digital Olympus. What are you guys using?

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Ya lost me. Are you taking the cassettes and making them into digital files? Or perhaps you're talking about recording straight from the videographer's audio into a digital recorder (??)
I just meant in general that if you're still using a tape recorder, maybe you should think about updating to a digital recorder.

The great thing about digital recorders is you can upload them to your computer and bec. they are digital, you can convert them and sync them to your audio.
Gotcha! I still get cassette tapes from the videographer, but I (luckily) haven't had to use them.

I'm curious where you (and others) are placing the digital recorders at in depo. Are they next to your laptop? Out in the middle of the table?

I have the Mira, but I haven't tried recording audio to that (yet).
Hi Kyung,
Could you explain, briefly, if possible, how you sync up your DR to the audio. I wrote to Allison with some specs of DRs I was looking at, and was wondering if you had any suggestions about a good DR, and how it lends itself to syncing up w/ the audio. I am not that computer savvy, but I can get around on the thing. Just want to make sure I'm not getting way over my head on this, but being able to sync my audio from the DR sounds wonderful as either the primary recording, or as a back up to my Martel that I use in my computer. Thx, Elise Nock
Hi Allison! Where do you place your digital recorder in the room? I tried the smaller version a couple years back, but it wouldn't pick up sounds like someone chewing on ice! That's incredible! Second question: Do you plug in an external mic to your Olympus, or are you recording straight from the internal mic?
Allison, thanks so much for the additional info! The timing of this discussion could not be better -- I am amidst trying out new audio compression levels, getting ready to try the Mira audio, making sure I have a better backup. I bought a Sony VAIO (laptop) in February, and I seem to have problems really finding the right audio compression for high-quality sound (like I had on my Dell). I'm trying a few things, so going the Olympus DR route might be the way to go!
Wow! I was just on the phone with Eclipse tech support (yesterday), and they suggested PCM 22.50 kHz 16 bit Mono. I tried it. The quality was much better, but everyone sounds a bit like they're inhaling helium! LOL They want me to call back today and try going back to my original default settings. We weren't able to slow it down (the recording) through the normal process. I will now try this PCM 11.025 setting and let ya know how it works out! I'm so excited! Tech support did admit that the laptop has a lot to do with sound quality. I thought Sony was KNOWN for their high-quality music/recording/sound (!?!?!??!) haha I even bought the Sony mic, thinking that would help -- NOPE!

I have heard that the audio on the Mira is okay as a backup but that the quality is not so great. I'll keep you posted on my progression/digression! Thanks SO much!

I plan to return my $99 Sony mic and put that money towards a DR now!
Veronica Kubat came over today and showed me her Gemini writer and we started talking about digital recorders. She suggested Olympus and said she just loves hers, and that it gives her a wave file! How great is that :) I could have used a DR this week, lost part of audio file when I rebooted computer during depo and forgot to give the new job start a different name! D'oh. And sure enough, during the driver's license portion my number bar went haywire and spit out a bunch of 5s. Aaarggghh. Had to call the witness. Oh well.
I'm getting one this weekend.
How is the battery life on that DVR?
Hint: rechargeable batteries!!! I LOVE them!!! I took a few months at the end of last year and started buying them until now I have ALL things in our home plus my work stuff running on them! SO much cheaper! I have a bag of 'excess' ones charged that I keep in my work bag and just pop them in if I run out on a job. I use the Sony rechargeables for work and some Energizer ones for my photography. I'm finding I like the Sony ones best, even tho the Energizer ones charge in 15min. I have an excess tho and never run out.
Hi Allison,
I am wondering, do you sync up your audio with this Olympus, and is it relatively easy to do? I am looking on Sound Professionals website, and they have a PART#: OL-LS-11 - OLYMPUS - IN STOCK! 24 BIT/96 KHZ LINEAR PCM RECORDER - 8GB BUILT-IN MEMORY & SD SLOT. I don't know if you are familiar w/ this model, but it's $400! and then a PART#: OL-LS-10 - OLYMPUS - 24 BIT/96 KHZ LINEAR PCM RECORDER - 2GB BUILT-IN MEMORY & SD SLOT and it's $300. Are you familiar w/ those, and can you give me a suggestion of where I can buy an Olympus for a good price. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thx, Elise Nock


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