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Can anybody tell me what setting in Version 5 of Eclipse I need to use for the Input for my writer type? I can't seem to get anyone at the company to tell me what setting I need to use. I just haven't been able to get with Jason by phone to set up my machine but I need to get it going TODAY. I was told Baron TX from someone that has the machine and uses Procat, but I don't have that option in Eclipse. I tried the only Baron there is and I've tried about 10 other machine types, and I'm tired of trying. Transcriptor is what I used with my Revolution Grand and that's not working.
Thanks for any help! And if anybody has any tips on adjusting this writer I'd appreciate them as I'm taking some NCRA tests this coming weekend and would like to use my new machine if I can get it adjusted properly.
Wow, that looks WILD!! Is that a skin or paint job?
You probably need to choose USB or Bluetooth to connect, not both, but stick with the Transcriptor X setting unless someone else who has this writer tells you to set it to something different. You can email Jeremy and ask him to add Infinity to the writer choices. He added LightSpeed when I asked even though it's the same input as Transcriptor X. It eliminates much confusion for us reporters.
If you choose USB, then make sure in Eclipse you have selected Realtime from USB Port and then try the Test button to see if you're connected.
If you choose Bluetooth, it should be set Realtime from COM Port, click the Setup button next to that, and click the Device Manager button to see what com port number your Bluetooth is assigned. Then make sure that's the com port number shown on the Setup screen and try the Test button.
Hopefully you'll get it going so you can use your new writer!
That's what I meant; I can connect both ways. I could connect both ways with my Revolution. It's working. The part that isn't working is the test, no matter which machine I choose, so I'm unable to "play" with it and start a job and just write a get a feel for the machine. Can' tell how it's tranning because it won't WRITE! Probably have to wait until Jason takes over my computer and sets it up, like Jenny said. We'll see.
It's a paing job. I wanted it like my kitchen chairs. I wanted it beige/brown with the leopard print but it came back pretty white. But that's okay. Looks pretty cool.
how 'bout them typos. wow.
thanks, Jules!
My apologies to Jason at Infinity. Evidently he wrote me an Email that said he would be available to talk to me today anytime between 8:00 and 3:00 my time and I didn't get the Email. Maybe it's lost in the cloud, but I never saw it. I was just going to sit here and work until I heard from him, wasn't going to call and bug him on a weekend. I think we all work enough on the weekends and I know he's been very swamped with all his Infinity orders.
Evidently somebody sent him my post or he saw it on the group. ??? He was not too happy. Didn't mean to talk bad about his company; was just wanting to play with my new toy, but I've been very busy with kids and transcripts today so it didn't matter.
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