Angie Sherwood's Groups (8)

  • Cover Depos (Kansas City area)

    34 members Latest Activity: May 15 includes the metro area of Kansas City, both Kansas and Missouri

  • Scopists/Former Court Reporters

    96 members Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2022 This group is designed for scopists who have the added experience of having been court reporters. For those with this background, feel free to…

  • Catalyst Scopist (Send Work Request)

    219 members Latest Activity: on Tuesday Send work request to a Case Catalyst scopist

  • Scopists

    595 members Latest Activity: Jul 2

    If you are a Scopist you MUST join this group, this will be used to advertise your services to Court Reporters

  • Cover Depos (Western/Northwestern Missouri)

    79 members Latest Activity: Feb 22 Covering Kansas City metropolitan area and St. Joseph, MO. If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members…

  • Cover Depos (Kansas)

    73 members Latest Activity: Aug 29, 2022 If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group

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