Amy Yeakel
  • Female
  • Poway, CA
  • United States
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  • Beverly
  • HEF Court Reporting
  • Deborah M. Neeley


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At 8:38 on October 2, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Forgot to ask you if you could give me that scopists support group e-mail address again, because I tried
It's just not coming up for me.
At 8:34 on October 2, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi Amy, long time no hear. I was just wondering what your work load is these days. I currently have three socpers working for me, but only one punctuates the way I do, and she is part time because of medical issues. Let me know if you have any free time to do some part-time work. It's so nice not to have to worry about punctuation; just makes the transcript flow. Please let me know.
At 19:10 on July 6, 2009, HEF Court Reporting said…
Hi, Amy,

How fun to see your picture. Now I have a face to send emails to. Your kids are gorgeous. Be talking to you soon. Just saw you on here and had to say hello.
At 9:48 on June 18, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi Amy,
How's work going?? I have a 230-page video job that needs to be scoped. I pay $1.30 a page. Are you
interested? The reason I ask is because you're local and my other two scopers are out of state.
At 9:43 on April 29, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi Amy,
I did get some good referrals last night, so I will try those first. And, yes, I still see all the girls once or twice a year. I think the only ones reporting are Monica, Joanne, and I. The group photo was taken a year ago. As you can see, they're are just as crazy as ever!! I can't believe your kids are 16 and 20!!

I finally bought a new Elan Mira machine after 20 years; can you believe it?? Now I just have to do all the adjustments, which is a pain.

Also, I never knew that being a parent would be so wonderful and rewarding!! She is a miracle baby, a true gift from God. She has my dad's features, very Irish-looking, huh?
At 19:55 on April 28, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi Amy,
I was wondering if you can refer me to any Stenocat32 scopist. I'm having a hard time finding anyone reliable.
Deborah Neeley
At 13:01 on March 21, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Do you know of any good Stenocat32 scopers locally? If so, please let me know. I'm kinda left up a creek right now if I have work that needs to be done during the week.
I'd love to hear what you've been up to the last seven years or so. The last I heard, I think you lived in Bay Park. We still live here but just in a different house. I've had some serious health issues, but all is right with the world now, except I gained 50 pounds when I had a migraine stroke, then gran mal seizures, and they put me on some anti-seizure meds. My two-year-old, Isabelle, is the light of my life. If you give me your e-mail address, I can send you a photo of my little Irish girl.
At 18:19 on March 20, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi again, I just found out that my scoper's paralegal career is really taking off so she can only work on weekends for me at this time. Please let me know your availability. Oh, by the way, when did you move to New York???
At 18:06 on March 20, 2009, Deborah M. Neeley said…
Hi Amy,
Wow, it's been a while. Didn't know you still were a Stenocat 32 scoper. Let me know if you are interested in some overflow work. I have a scoper now, but she is also now a paralegal and burning the midnight oil, which causes problems. I am translating at 99.4% usually. Please let me know your rate also. Please call if you can at (619) 254-5290.
Thanks a lot,
Deborah Neeley-Schlichting
At 23:56 on December 16, 2008, ashley soevyn said…
Hi, I am a depo reporter out of SF. I have a huge job this week and I have one scopist out of town and one working on one of the files already. Do you have availability tomorrow?? Please email me if you do at

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