Karen Goldstein
  • New York, NY
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Eclipse vs CaseCAT
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Janet Dec 20, 2009.


KWROE, Reporter! A nod is as good as a wink.

Karen Goldstein's Blog

Do we ever get a raise?

I'm a freelance reporter working at any given time for about 5 to 10 agencies. Some of them pay very well (usually national agencies or out-of-state agencies) and some NY ones, who I do love to work for, because the people are nice, don't pay as well. But that's besides the point.

As we all know, the price of things go up. Rent goes up. Gas goes up. Food goes up. This is called, I think, inflation. Don't page rates ever go up? Don't appearance fees ever go up?

And how does… Continue

Posted on August 26, 2009 at 17:39 — 2 Comments

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At 10:28 on September 24, 2009, Armando Medina said…
Hi Karen,
Thanks for getting back to me. Enjoy your holiday on Monday. I had one other question? Is there somebody that you know and can refer to handle this type of litigation?

Armando M.
At 18:56 on September 23, 2009, Armando Medina said…
Hi Karen,
I am the owner of an agency in California. I am currently looking for a Reporter who specializes in Med Mal type work. I have a depo of one of my clients from California. He will be traveling to New York ( Manhattan Area ) to conduct a depo that will have video & a speakerphone call in ( one only ). The depo will start at 7:00 pm East coast time. Will probably go about 2-3 hours. Would this be something you can help with. The depo is on 9/28/2009. Please feel free to call me at 800-971-3376.

Thanks- Armando M.
At 10:09 on August 27, 2009, Cathy McElderry - Internet Scoping School said…
Karen -

I apologize for not getting back to you when you contacted me. I don't visit this site as often as I probably should and apparently my e-mail notifications are not working or are disabled. We do have a large list of scopists that we can refer from and they are very qualified and professional. In the future if you need a scopist, even with short notice, let me know and we can definitely find you someone.

We do suggest trying to find a scopist that you can work with prior to needing one in crunch. We can refer a scopist your way and you can send them a "test transcript" to see if you like their work and whether you think you can work with them. If you're not sure about someone, we can always send you a new referral. That way, when you are in a crunch and need someone right away, you'll already know you can trust their work. We have several scopists who would be more than willing to be your backup.

I hope you've had a great summer!
At 15:48 on August 20, 2009, Evergreen Rufino said…
Hi, Karen,

How are you? Thanks for adding me. Since my proctored test with you, I moved up to the 140/160s and predictably repeated so I'm still there, but I've got just one test to complete and it just happens to be the hardest test ever. I feel pretty close though. I would love to ask you questions from time to time about the casecat software if you wouldn't mind. Drop me a line anytime. Take Care!
At 5:56 on May 1, 2009, Kyung said…
I bow down before you. Thanks for the help.
At 18:41 on April 30, 2009, Kyung said…
Oh, you're good. If I listen very closely, I could hear him giving a funny twist to the pronunciation of heterogenous. Thank you so much. I knew I was going to feel like an ass if I had sent out that transcript w/erogenous.
At 19:58 on October 29, 2008, Anthony D. Frisolone said…
Hey, Karen. Just stopping by to say hello.
At 18:24 on May 7, 2008, Janice said…
Hi Karen,

Your profile was very interesting; I am an MT who is transitioning into court reporting; still in theory and learning at home with CRAH. Did you find it helpful having the medical term. background? Janice
At 20:23 on March 27, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
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